Top 5 online ESL schools in Metro Manila Philippines

Want to add a new language into your life? We have listed down 5 highly recommended online ESL schools you can check out for your next skills upgrade.

PH Recommender
4 min readAug 2, 2022

Learning is a lifetime journey. And not even the pandemic can stop it. Equipping yourself with a new language is another way to improve yourself and your career. English is one of the widely used language in the world and where else can you find affordable and quality online language schools but in the Philippines.

Traditionally, looking for a school requires a visit to the actual place. With Covid and high transportation costs, going onsite has become impractical. Studying online is the most efficient way to continue learning new things. But how do we know which is the best online school to go to, especially ESL schools? Fret not, because here’s a little guideline for you.

  1. RELIABLE ONLINE SCHOOLS HAVE SECURED AND UPDATED WEBSITES — It would be very strange for an online school to have an outdated website. Since the school’s services has shifted to online, they are more active in the web and have an attractive and appealing interface. Examine these websites if they are safe by looking at their URL. If their URL has a padlock next to it, it means that whatever information you send is secured.
  2. GOOD ONLINE SCHOOLS HAVE HIGH GOOGLE RATINGS — Legitimate online schools take great care of their online reputation. High rated online schools are rated by a reasonable number of people. Watch out for schools with high rating but only have one reviewer. Reading through Google ratings could give you an idea of the atmosphere of the school from other learners like you.
  3. GOOD ONLINE SCHOOLS HAVE GOOD INTERNET CONNECTION — The number one criteria if an online school is good or not is the internet connection. How do we measure this though? Take a trial class. Most ESL schools, if not all, offer free trial class. Through this you can directly see if the school has good enough internet connection, personally test if the teacher has annoying background noise, and if the class platform suits you or not. Use the free trial class to your advantage.

Of course there are also other factors to consider when choosing an ESL school such as courses, teachers and rates but we have that covered in another blog.

Now that we have broken down the simplest guidelines in critiquing online schools, let’s take a look at the institutions we believe have checked the 3 criteria we have given above.

5. THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR ENGLISH PROFECIENCY — This online school boast their English language + Critical thinking teaching method and sophisticated style in teaching. They have branches from 4 key major cities in the metro and affordable rates for their classes. This school’s amiable learning ambiance is their strongest asset, and if you’re looking for a school like this, we recommend studying at AIEP.

Visit their Facebook:

4. CEVAS Review and Language Center — This online school focuses mainly on test preparation like IELTS, LET etc., but they also offer General English classes for their learners. Aside from the high 4.9 Google rating, this institute has been highly recognized and awarded by different institutions who are experts in testing. If you’re planning to take an English language test, consider enrolling to CEVAS and confidently ace it.

Visit their website:

3. SPEECH COACH — Clients have sang praises to this online training school which has a solid 5 rating in Google review. They focus solely on speech arts and most especially in speaking English fluently. The clients weigh up the effective results from the coaches in a short span of time. If you wish to be a proficient and confident English speaker, this school surely fits you.

Visit their website:

2. FORESEE ENGLISH — Foresee English has smoothly transitioned from physical school to online school. They have maintained their 4.9 Google ratings and their students’ comments are really heart warming. Consistent learning courses with professional teachers and budget-friendly rates are their greatest points. For total English skill improvement: speaking, listening, reading and writing, Foresee English is the best online ESL school to go to.

Visit their website:

  1. AMERICAN ENGLISH SKILLS DEVELOPMENT INC, — With their 15+ years of teaching experience, American English transitioned their services to online quite easily. They have an impressive pool of courses that helps learners to focus on the skill they want to improve the most. Their prices might be on the heavy side but quality education always comes with a price, don’t we all agree? So if you want an extensive learning experience, American English school is the one for you.

Visit their website:

Choosing the best online ESL school is an arduous task and there are a lot of things to consider when deciding. These recommendations are based on the three things we have mentioned before, the websites of the school, Google ratings, and internet connection stability. We hope these recommendations would help you decide on an online ESL school that is best for you and your learning needs.



PH Recommender

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