How I read more books in one month than I did all last year

Is that a book in your pocket?

Jonathan Cottrell
2 min readJun 7, 2017

Soon after the advent of the smart phone, I commonly heard people or read articles referencing the wonder of the computers in our pockets. It’s true, no doubt. We hold more computing power in the palm of our hand today than most people ever imagined personally wielding in the past.

Unfortunately, these tiny little wonders have also led to more digital distraction (and addiction) than we’ve ever encountered in human history.

In the ongoing effort to breed more abundance in my life, I recently optimized my iPhone’s home screen for a better, less cluttered experience. Since doing so, one of the chief benefits I’ve discovered is reading more.

Way more, in fact.

While the Kindle app itself is nothing to write home about, having it be one of the only apps on my mobile home screen is a revelation. This — paired with hiding email and deleting the social media apps that so commonly led to wasted time — has led to my consumption of more books than ever.

I’ve read 5 books in the last month. For comparison’s sake, that’s more than I read all last year.

I used to jokingly reference my “endless reading list,” just like others. Now, I’m actually chipping away at it. Turns out, I just had to rid my life of distractions and get those books off my shelf and into my pocket.

How to make progress on your reading list:

  1. Refresh yourself on the importance and benefits of reading daily.
  2. Get rid of your distractions. Here are a few tips that I followed.
  3. Optimize your mobile device home screen. More step-by-step tips.
  4. Download the Kindle app and place it front and center.
  5. Purchase and download some Kindle books. Tip: Start with smaller books, so you feel accomplished as you take up the new habit. Also, Amazon’s Kindle Samples feature is great to see if you like a book before buying it.

Happy reading! And if you found this helpful, I would appreciate a tap below!

