Igor Ovcharenko — Ambassador of Ukraine!

2 min readJun 23, 2019


We would like to introduce our ambassadors of PIRATE Summit 2019 to you! Today you’ll get to know Igor Ovcharenko, our ambassador of Ukraine!

Who are you & where are you from?

My name is Igor Ovcharenko and I am from Ukraine.

Describe your current job in a few sentences.

CEO & Founder @ Scal8R Consulting. Consulting on startup ecosystem development in Emerging Markets | Helping tech scale-ups to enter new markets.

How often have you been to PIRATE Summit?

Once, in 2017!

What was your best experience at PIRATE Summit that helped you personally or with your business?

Networking with the people at the event was mind-blowing.

How would you describe the PIRATE Summit experience?

PIRATE Summit is really unique, it’s mind-blowing and the best event for networking.

Please tell us the funniest/weirdest/most memorable story or situation you experienced at PIRATE Summit.

Ukrainian vodka shots at the afterparty, which has united many people ;)

If someone were to ask you “What makes PIRATE Summit worth to attend?” — what would your answer be?

PIRATE Summit is the craziest yet most efficient event in Europe where curated list of entrepreneurs and investors meet together in a unique cozy atmosphere.

PIRATE Summit is Europe’s largest invitation-/application-only conference for early-stage startups, investors and corporate executives. PIRATE Summit represents true grassroots entrepreneurship: authentic, crazy, and real. Learn more about PIRATE Summit here!




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