Introducing Regina — Ambassador of Kazakhstan!
2 min readJun 7, 2019


We would like to introduce our ambassadors of PIRATE Summit 2019 to you! Today you’ll get to know Regina Overchyk, our ambassador of Kazakhstan!

Who are you & where are you from?

Regina Overchyk, originally from Ukraine, now live in Berlin.

Describe your current job in a few sentences.

With a focus on emerging markets, I launch Seedstars accelerator programs in MENA, Asia, Latam, & Africa. I’m also co-organizer of Silicon Drinkabout Kyiv, a networking event of tech crowd in Kyiv.

And I’m doing a few other things 😛

How often have you been to PIRATE Summit?

Will be twice after 2019 edition ;)

What was your best experience at PIRATE Summit that helped you personally or with your business?

The investor I met during the PIRATE Summit mentored the accelerator batch that I ran in Astana, KZ.

How would you describe the PIRATE Summit experience?

Just the perfect balance of being useful, productive & fun. And great people!

Please tell us the funniest/weirdest/most memorable story or situation you experienced at PIRATE Summit.

Looking at people bungee jumping in the middle of the venue.

If someone were to ask you “What makes PIRATE Summit worth to attend?” — what would your answer be?

Because you make meaningful connections while having fun.

PIRATE Summit is Europe’s largest invitation-/application-only conference for early-stage startups, investors and corporate executives. PIRATE Summit represents true grassroots entrepreneurship: authentic, crazy, and real. Learn more about PIRATE Summit here!



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