An LLM-driven PKM workflow

PKM Explorer
4 min readApr 12, 2024
Photo by Digital Content Writers India on Unsplash

When you start looking into Personal Knowledge Management, you quickly learn that there are many different tools, methods and workflows. Different schools of thought use different terminology to describe the essence of knowledge management.

There is Tiago Forte’s CODE method: Capture-Organize-Distill-Express.
And there is Nick Milo’s ARC framework: Add-Relate-Communicate, Nicolas Luhmann’s Zettelkasten method, and Andy Matuschak’s Evergreen Notes.

What all of these frameworks have in common is that you capture content into a note-taking system or database; organize, link and synthesize that information to create relationships and new ideas; and finally communicate or share the newly emerged information.

In all of these workflows a significant amount of time and effort goes into capturing and storing information into the system, and there is even a risk that the content collection phase gets so prominent that you forget about organizing, synthesizing and creating. You will keep adding more and more notes without creating new knowledge.

What if we could make the whole process more result-focused and streamline the collection phase of the traditional PKM process?

This idea occurred to me when I thought of how, in the early days of Wikipedia, I used that platform to fill…

