FILM SCHOOL 101: John Green explains why “book to movie” is never exact

TC Kirkham
2 min readAug 29, 2018

YouTube icon, internet guru, best-selling author, and the King of the Nerdfighers John Green has some choice words of wisdom for both book fans and film fans in his latest weekly VlogBrothers post. Green talks in-depth about the processes involved in turning best-selling books into feature films, and why they are almost never going to be exact. Hey, we have that one friend (let’s face it, we ALL do) who just can’t be satisfied — she is still upset that every single letter of dialogue and every exact scene from the “Harry Potter” book franchise wasn’t included in the films — she’s fine with a series of 22 hour long movies, while Hollywood prefers something a bit more practical and with mass appeal, heh heh. Green explains the process authors like himself go through when their works are adapted for the big screen — why some of it is painful and frustrating, but how in the end it is all usually for the better. Take it away, oh sage YouTube Guru…

Originally published at eCinemaOne.

