Pointium Bounty Program

4 min readMar 19, 2018


Join our bounty programs in bitcointalk!

Total PNT allocated for Bounty Programs: 60,000,000 PNT (~4% of total cap, equivalent to ~600 ETH)
PNT price = 1 ETH per 110,500 ~ 85,000 PNT (depending on the sale bonuses)

Budget Distribution:

14% Translations
17% Twitter
25% Article
21% Video
16% Chat Group
7% Telegram Join

General Rules:

All participants must fill in the application form in order to claim each bounty program.
All participants must join our official telegram (https://t.me/pointium).
Please do not discuss about the bounty in our official telegram.
Please do not upload your form in bitcointalk forum. Do use our application form, instead.
If you have any questions for our bounty programs, please write a post to this thread.
All tokens will be paid out after the end of crowd-sale.

Translation Campaign

Please fill in the application form here: https://goo.gl/forms/HzJN6H7u351Yffm32

You can reserve the translation by filling in the application form.
You should show us your portfolio.
You should specify what you want to translate and the URL of it.

Reservation state can be found in here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pogaZ1gztnmZAc5umlrvT5ZYq9La1R6ZPJMGBmZtqy0/edit?usp=sharing

We will PM you if you filled in the application by telegram within at least a week. Please wait until then. If you do not receive any PM within a week, it will mean that you are rejected.
After we PM you that you are reserved, you can proceed to translate.

Once you have reserved an ANN thread translation, this reservation is valid for 3 days.
Once you have reserved a whitepaper translation, this reservation is valid for 10 days.

If we find that you used Google Translate or any other translation program, your work will be nullified, and you will be disqualified from our bounty programs.

Applications for the translations into multiple languages will be not accepted.

Translation of ANN/Bounty thread to your language: 1 stakes
Translation of Whitepaper: 15 stakes

Twitter Campaign

Please fill in the application form here: https://goo.gl/forms/Ko3eUWq7g2n4djfh1

Follow our official Twitter account: https://twitter.com/POINTIUM_ICO
You must have at least 200 real followers.
Only one account per a person will be accepted.
Post at least three tweets in a week (max one tweet per a day).
You must use our hashtags (#Pointium).

Post tweets weekly with 200+ followers: 10 stakes per week
Post tweets weekly with 1000+ followers: 20 stakes per week

Article Campaign

Please fill in the application form here: https://goo.gl/forms/HO7THfK8ovhdptrC2

Post an article or a review about Pointium in your words.
Website must have a genuine audience.
Audience for the article must be related to cryptocurrency, ICO, or any similar items.
The article must have at least 500 words.
The article must include the links to our official website, telegram, and twitter.

An article with 500–999 words: 1 stakes
An article with 1000–1999 words: 3 stakes
An article with 2000+ words: 8 stakes

Video Campaign

Please fill in the application form here: https://goo.gl/forms/ziTjjnjKCtsE1mXg1

Describe or review Pointium.
Video must be least two minutes long.
You will receive rewards based on the number of your subscribers.

A video with 100–999 subscribers: 1 stake
A video with 1000–4999 subscribers: 2 stakes
A video with 5000–9999 subscribers: 4 stakes
A video with 10000–14999 subscribers: 7 stakes
A video with 15k+ subscribers: 11 stakes

Chat Group Campaign

Create your local chat group by the chat app such as telegram/wechat/kakaotalk.
Your stakes will depend on the number of people in your chat group.

You should join our official telegram: https://t.me/pointium
No spam or foul language against other members or about the project.

Please fill in the application form: https://goo.gl/forms/rL8SP3mPGEjDnAcS2
You should also email us (info@pointium.org) to verify your group.
The email must include a number of screenshots, any proofs of being related to Pointium ICO, any proofs of being group owner, and the official links to join your group.
You can also update the number of people in your chat via email.

Only one group per one participation will be accepted. Also, once the group is accepted for some participant, the group will be further not accepted.

50+ people in your group: 1 stake
100+ people in your group: 2 stakes
200+ people in your group: 4 stakes
400+ people in your group: 7 stakes
800+ people in your group: 11 stakes

Telegram Campaign

Please fill in the application form here: https://goo.gl/forms/ygRgwhf1BnhRMjap2

Join our official telegram: https://t.me/pointium
Sign up our official website: https://www.pointium.org
No spam or foul language against other members or about the project.
Try to be active and ask questions about the project.
Stay till the end of the ICO to get the bounty.

Join our telegram: 1 stake
For active users: extra 10 stake

We also recruit the bounty managers and telegram managers in each country. If you find any interests, please contact us via @eric_pointium in telegram.

