Transforming Professional Networks With Blockchain and Encryption Tools

5 min readFeb 27, 2024


Professional networking applications have emerged as essential tools for connecting professionals and companies from different industries and regions to suppliers worldwide. However, these platforms face significant challenges that can compromise the reliability, security, and transparency of connections between professionals and companies. One major challenge is the lack of reliable verification of individuals or corporate profiles, leading to concerns about the authenticity of users. Additionally, there are concerns about personal data security and the prevalence of fraudulent activities such as impersonation and false claims. Users often encounter obstacles when using these applications due to these factors.

To address these challenges and ensure a safer and more trustworthy networking environment, we have introduced forms that can be utilized to report and address fraudulent activities. Our goal is to eliminate all factors contributing to fraudulent activities and provide users with a secure and reliable networking experience.


a) Ineffective Authenticity of Individuals and Corporate Profiles: One of the most significant problems is the lack of authenticity in profiles. The absence of proper verification can result in imposters, and fake, or misleading profiles, compromising the credibility of the network. This provides room for scams, and fake business dealings, and makes it difficult to build genuine relationships. Consequently, organizations and companies fall victim to ineffective authentications and verifications.

b) Lack of Transparency and Trust: The lack of transparency in profile verification and personal data management undermines user trust in the platform. Opacity in how data is handled and who has access to it raises privacy and security concerns. For instance, when a company attempts to purchase a product from a supplier but cannot access sufficient information in the supplier’s profile or details about the product’s production, it poses a problem.

c) Data Security: The security of personal data is a growing concern in a highly interconnected digital world. Users fear that their data could be vulnerable to malicious attacks or theft, leading to serious consequences such as identity theft or fraud. Without efficient security measures, risks range from unauthorized access to account breaches and the unauthorized cloning of information.


Our innovative and promising solution to address the problems mentioned above involves the use of blockchain technology, complemented by encryption tools such as hashing, SBT (Secure Blockchain Token), and smart contracts.

iPFX Protocol to Individual

a) Each individual or corporate profile will be recorded in a decentralized and immutable ledger, ensuring transparency and immutability of data. Cryptographic hashes will be used to encrypt profile data, providing an additional layer of security and protection against the manipulation of attached data through our iPFX protocol. This ensures the authenticity of the profiles and prevents the creation of fake accounts. In simpler terms, all registered users will have specific identifiers that cannot be cloned or manipulated without passing through our iPFX protocol, ensuring their verification.

b) Offering transparency in data management means that all changes on the platform will be recorded and verified transparently. Smart contracts will be used to establish transparent rules and conditions for interaction between users, increasing trust in transactions within the network. This ensures that all transactions and changes made on the platform are visible and verifiable by all parties involved.

c) We provide a secure infrastructure for data storage, as the data is distributed on a decentralized network and protected using cryptographic techniques. SBT tokens are used to encrypt users’ data, ensuring that only authorized parties have access to the information. This protects users’ data from unauthorized access and ensures their privacy and security while using the platform.


Overcoming Obstacles in Business with Asian Suppliers through Blockchain Technology As international business professionals and supply chain optimizers, we understand the challenges of working with suppliers in Asia. While this continent offers vast opportunities, it also presents unique obstacles that can hinder operations. From the lack of transparency in transactions to the complexity of building strong business relationships, doing business with Asian suppliers can be challenging. Fortunately, blockchain technology provides an innovative solution to address these issues and enhance our business operations with suppliers in Asia.


a) Lack of Transparency in Transactions: Buyers often struggle with the lack of transparency in commercial transactions with Asian suppliers. The absence of visibility into manufacturing, shipping, and delivery processes makes it challenging to track and verify products. This lack of transparency can impact the quality and timeliness of deliveries.

b) Complexity in Supply Chain Management: The supply chain in Asia is highly complex due to the involvement of numerous suppliers and subcontractors in product production. This complexity makes it challenging to efficiently manage the supply chain and increases the risk of delays and quality issues.

c) Difficulty Establishing Trusted Business Relationships: Building strong, trusting business relationships with Asian suppliers can be difficult due to cultural, linguistic, and business differences. The absence of verifiable information about the reputation and reliability of suppliers makes it challenging to make informed decisions.


We offer an innovative and effective solution to overcome obstacles in doing business with Asian suppliers. By leveraging the unique features of blockchain, we can improve transparency, efficiency, and trust in trading with suppliers in Asia. Below are some ways we address these issues:

iPFX Protocol to Company

a) Transparent Supply Chain Tracking: Our solution provides transparent supply chain tracking from origin to final delivery. Every stage of the manufacturing, materials, quality control, and shipping process is recorded on the blockchain, providing complete visibility into the movement and location of products in real time. This transparency ensures that buyers have full visibility into the entire supply chain process, allowing them to track their products’ journey and ensure timely delivery.

b) Efficient Supply Chain Management: We automate and optimize supply chain management, reducing complexity and the risk of errors. Smart contracts are programmed to automatically execute certain actions when certain conditions are met, such as triggering payments upon successful delivery of goods or updating inventory levels. This automation streamlines processes, minimizes downtime, and ensures smooth operations throughout the supply chain.

c) Authenticity and Reputation Verification: Our solution combines blockchain technology and encryption tools to offer a robust and effective solution to common problems in networking applications between buyers and suppliers. By providing enhanced authenticity, transparency, and security, this solution transforms the way buyer entrepreneurs connect and conduct negotiations in an increasingly interconnected and complex digital environment. Our platform enables buyers to verify the authenticity and reputation of suppliers before making a purchase, ensuring that they are dealing with reliable and trustworthy partners. This verification process enhances trust between buyers and suppliers and reduces the risk of fraudulent activities, ultimately improving the overall reliability and efficiency of the trading process.

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POLFEX is an advanced international trading business platform that uses blockchain technology for secure and transparent transactions.