POST helps Chile set up science advice service


Today POST signed an agreement that will see the Chilean Parliament set up their own Office of Scientific Advice based on POST.

POST has agreed to

  • Provide advice and support to help the Commission for Future Challenges, Science, Technology and Innovation of the Chilean Senate to establish an Office of Scientific Advise for legislators and deliver a pilot project that yields POSTnote-style publications
  • Provide two members of staff to work in Chile for a short time to help set up the new Office;
  • Host two members of the Chilean staff from the Commission for Future Challenges, Science, Technology and Innovation of the Chilean Senate.

This is really exciting for us and we are really looking forward to working with the Chilean Senate, not least because I get to wear these.



Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology

Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology (POST) is the UK Parliament's in-house source of scientific advice.