ChatGPT can find and fix bugs in computer code

Revolutionising Code Debugging with AI: How ChatGPT is Making Programming Easier

2 min readJan 28, 2023
Photo by DeepMind on Unsplash

ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI, is capable of finding and fixing bugs in computer code.

This is a revolutionary development in the field of artificial intelligence as it can save developers a lot of time and effort in debugging their code.

One of the main features of ChatGPT is its ability to understand and work with programming languages such as Python. In this article, we will look at some examples of how ChatGPT can find and fix bugs in Python code.

Let’s start with a simple example of a Python script that calculates the area of a circle. The code looks like this:

def area_of_circle(radius):
return radius * radius * 3.14


However, this code contains a bug. The formula for the area of a circle is pi * radius * radius, not radius * radius * pi. ChatGPT can detect this bug and fix it by replacing the incorrect formula with the correct one. The corrected code looks like this:

def area_of_circle(radius):
return 3.14 * radius * radius


