We’ve Got Nothing But Love For You

1 min readNov 24, 2015

So apparently there’s a thing in the app world where people rate your app and then if you get enough ratings that rock, you all of a sudden get featured in the app store and that’s kind of a big deal.


If you love PRIVET, can we ask a tiny favor that could have HUGE implications?

Could you review PRIVET in the app store?

We need some 5-star reviews to get Apple to pay attention to us. If you think we suck, then please, just email us and let us know why. You know, so we can fix it. :)

If you are an iPhone user, click here to open the app store: CLICK ME

Then, once you see this screen, tap “Reviews” at the top and then “Write a Review” at the bottom.

You guys rock. So hard. Thank you.




Turn over a new leaf to a new kind of social network where you can be real, open, honest, and anonymous. Put on your PRIVET: http://www.myprivet.com/