PRS Fund Application Template

PRS Foundation
1 min readSep 17, 2018


This template is used for applying setting up a fund under PRS Official Foundation.

Version: 1.0, updated date: 2018/05/01

Name of the Fund:

One sentence introduction (no more than 40 words):

Governing Committee:

  • Investors:
  • Committee: (Fund team, investor representatives, and participant representatives)
  • Target audiences:

Vision of the fund: (Overall vision, long term plans, or short term goals)

Detailed intro of the fund, such as:

  • Reason or motivation for setting up the fund:
  • Target audience position and analysis:
  • Investment status:
  • The organization, different roles, and managing principles of the committee:
  • How to plan and begin the project:



PRS Foundation

To facilitate the activities and the development of PRS ecosystem, PRS Official Foundation is the managing and investing agency operated by PRESSone.