What Others Say About Philipscom Few Testimonials

Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’
23 min readAug 21, 2016


Blog post updated on 19.09.2016

Yet another year just passed by! We All entered into a New Year! When I look back to the year passed by there are a good number of things to jot down in these pages. But this post’s purpose is totally a different one and I do not want to mix it up with other things! God willing I will post another note on this line. In this post, I would like to present some of my online friends’ testimonials about me/Philipscom. Most of the friends mentioned in this post are the friends’ I met this year, in fact, I met a good number of new bloggers this year especially after creating this new page in WordPress. I would like to express my sincere thanks to the dear ones who aired their valuable testimonials about me and my blog pages. I appreciate your time to jot down these lovely remarks about Philipscom. This gives me much energy and enthusiasm to go forward with my blogging activities. I am so glad to present your views here for my esteemed readers.

Rejoy Poomala

In the beginning of 2014 with the help of my online friend and brother Rejoy Poomala, (an engineer by profession and a web-designer by part time) I migrated all my contents from Blogger.com to WordPress. I am indebted to Rejoy for the present look and style of this website. He is the one who designed and maintained this page for me, he did a wonderful job in creating this page, I appreciate and thank him for developing such lovely page, which was appreciated by many of my visitors and readers. He also maintains few websites: like Ganamrutham.com, Kaithiri.com And Rejoy Poomala G+ Profile

Thank you Rejoy for your relentless support to me in developing this page. I appreciate your valuable time. 🙂

Following are some of the testimonials I received on my blogging journey

Philips is the guy who lives by the quote “win/win approach”. Before seeking help from others, he first offers a HUGE favor. His blog posts are exceptional and I really like his personal writing tone which captivates even the professionals. I highly recommend you reading his blog if you want to succeed online. Anil Agarwal is one of the top Indian bloggers. He is the CEO of BloggersPassion.Com Read Anil’s Guest Post @ #Philipscom 5 Proven Ways to Triple Your Blog Traffic in 30 days

About a year ago, my paths crossed with those of Philip Verghese Ariel on the internet. This is something I’ve been grateful for ever since. Philip is one of the friendliest, most helpful people I have ever come across.

He is a dedicated blogger and his blog — Philipscom — is indeed worth visiting on a regular basis. Philip leaves no stone unturned to stay updated with the latest information relevant to blogging. If you have any questions regarding traffic building strategies or any other blogging related strategies, make sure to visit his blog. You are most likely to find the information you are looking for on his blog.

Philip is obviously well connected with many of the high-profile bloggers in the world. This makes him a well-informed blogger and I would definitely also rank him as one of the best and most dedicated bloggers I have come across.

I appreciate you, Philip for all the value that you pass on to the community. Keep up the good work. May God bless.

~ Jaco Alberts is a renowned author, a freelance writer and a blogger. He is the CEO of JacoAlberts.Com

Read Jaco’s Guest Post at #Philipscom It’s Time To Change…

Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ is one of the most hard working and persistence persons I have ever met. I had the pleasure working with him on several blog articles in the past and was very impressed with his talent in social media and email marketing. His ability to blog in two languages are much appreciated and I look forward working with Philip again in future. Wish him a bright future in all his online jobs.

~ Jerry Low, Founder and CEO of Web Hosting Secret Revealed

There are a lot of things to say about PV, I am afraid if I start, it will turn out to be a long list and space constrains me to do that. The best thing to say about him is the wonderful relationship he maintains with his fellow bloggers including the influencers as well as newbies. Especially his encouragements to newbies are praiseworthy. I am sure many will join me to say this: “He is a great inspiration or a motivation to many in the blogging world.” Though I have started my blogging career just 8 months back and I could pick a lot of lessons from the experiences of this blogging wizard. He is an expert in creating roundup posts and his recent ones motivated many in the blogging world to emulate his style in creating such roundup posts. The testimonies, analysis, and mentions in many of the blogs about him and his posts is a great proof of it. I am so glad that I met this wonderful personality in the vast ocean called World Wide Web. I wish him all the best in all his future endeavors. May God Bless PV Sir.

People smile all the time. Unfortunately, for too many, the smile never quite reach their eyes.

When Philip smiles, he beams. His lips curve upwards, his eyes crinkle and shine. His mustache wriggles.

You are gently drawn in, then wrapped, in the warmth of Philip’s smile. (I’m not sure if he even knows how terrific this is.)

Philip is a wonderful blogger freelance writer and an editor of a bi-monthly magazine. Good on you Philip.

There is a very special level of dedication, focus, and superb writing style needed to be able to engage people, completely, every 15 days.

One sees this talent reflected in Philip’s Blog posts, which are a huge value-add to the reader.

Philip, you are truly blessed. (I’m definitely a teeny tiny bit envious :-)) I’m proud to call your friend.

~ Ivan Bayross is a Digital Marketing Strategist and an International Author Consultant & Business Mentor at IvanBayRoss

Philip Varghese Ariel, whom as we affectionately call “Brother Phil” in the blogosphere is one of the enthusiastic and dedicated bloggers I had ever come across in my blogging journey so far. His enormous experience as an editor of an English Christian magazine combined with his journalistic and writing skills in English as well as in “Malayalam”, his mother tongue, make himself establish his name as a multilingual blogger. Moreover, he is a very kind-hearted gentleman and helpful person who would always like to help fellow bloggers who are new to the industry or even a veteran in the field. His presence is visible everywhere in the blogosphere in the form of quality and valuable comments that will definitely add more value to our blog posts. I am hoping his work will flourish further heights in the coming years too.

He is indeed the best bet for your blogging needs. I wish him all the best for all his future endeavors.

~ Reji Stephenson is the founder and CEO of DigitalDimensions4u.com

Read Reji’s Guest Post at #Philipscom 21 Aspects Any Indian May Miss While Living In London

If you want to get acquainted with anyone who’s genuine, helpful, and delivers valuable content that you need to get going with your blog and business, then Philip is the epitome of all of this.

I met Philip in 2015, and he left a great impression on me. Philip is the type of person that will naturally make you want to get to know him better. Although he’s been in the blogosphere for a number of years, he treats all bloggers the same whether they’re beginners or have much experienced.

Philip is definitely a great connector when it comes to blogging. He has done a lot of expert roundup posts where he has a list of different bloggers of a variety of niches to answer some of the most inquiring, challenging blogging questions that many are baffled with finding solutions to. With this in mind, not only you’ll find the answers from these different bloggers, but also you can connect with each of them.

So if you’re looking for, not only a great person to help you with your business but also a great soul you can develop a great friendship over all, then Philip would be your guy!

~ Sherman Smith is an Online Marketer/Blogger and the CEO of ShermanSmithblog.com

“Phil is one of the most cheerful and caring blogger I know. He understands exactly what’s important when it comes to blogging, and that’s to connect with others.

If you want to stand out in this overcrowded space, then Phil’s your guy.”

~Anh Nguyen ~ Founder and CEO of BloggingThing.com

Philip is one of the most hard-working bloggers I know. He’s a real master of the marathon “round-up post” and generously includes his friends in these information-packed articles. Having written the article — no mean feat — he diligently promotes the post and we all benefit from his promotional efforts.

I have met many wonderful bloggers online, but Philip is one of the kindest and most generous. We are lucky to have him in our midst.

~ Joy Healey is the founder and CEO of Blogging After Dark~


ging is all about consistency and dedication. Philip V Ariel has both the ingredients, as he has proved to become a great blogger who can inspire million other people in the world to choose the right path.

I wish him all success in his future endeavors.

~ Kulwant Nagi ~ Blogger Owner and CEO of BloggingCage

In the time I have got to know Philip, I have observed that he is kind, optimistic and genuine with each and every person he interacts with. He’s always eager to improve his blog and learn new skills, as well.

~Brent Jones ~ Freelancer, Blogger, CEO and Founder of BrentJonesOnline

ROR: Return on Relationship™, #RonR … simply put the value that is accrued by a person or brand due to nurturing a relationship. ROI is simple $’s and cents. ROR is the value (both perceived and real) that will accrue over time through connection, trust, loyalty, recommendations and sharing. PV gets this and works to achieve it for himself, and those he is connected to, every day. Relationships are like muscle tissue… the more they are engaged, the stronger and more valuable they become.

~ Ted Rubin ~ Social Marketing Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Brand Evangelist and Acting CMO Brand Innovator ~ Return on Relationship™ #RonR

Philip is one of the most knowledgeable and experienced bloggers I have had the fortune to interact with. He has tremendous expertise in blogging and yet is a very down to earth and approachable person. Not only does he have excellent writing skills his network and authority in the blogging niche is undisputed.

~ Russell Lobo is the Owner and CEO of Russlob.com And the founder of fast-growing community the NicheSiteWithRusslobo

“Philip is a kind, generous and thoughtful blogger who posts some of the more valuable comments I’ve read online. He’s quick to share his insights and experiences freely both on his blog and through comments posted at your local authority blogs. He is a tremendous networker and blogger outreach pro. He has a knack for making friends from all over the blogosphere and also shares super helpful posts to keep you inspired.” Follow Philip’s blog. Connect with him, I am sure you will enjoy his engagement.

~ Ryan Biddulph is the Owner and CEO of BloggingFromParadise and is a renowned travel writer.

“Phil is one of the most honest, sincere and approachable bloggers and content marketer I know. He’s professional and, at the same time, a really down-to-earth man. I’m glad I met Phil online, it’s one of those pleasant events of working on the Internet.
I definitely recommend working with him.”
~ Erik Emanuelli ~ Founder and CEO of NoPassiveIncom.com and the owner of Klinkk.com An Amazing Blogging Community.

Read Erik’s Guest Post at #Philipscom 3 Essential Steps to Create A Successful Blog

I’ve known Philip for a few months now and he’s one of the nicest and best networkers I’ve seen. He’s been extremely helpful.

He’s a very open-minded expert who isn’t afraid of sharing his experiences. He’s always learning from others which is what makes him stand out from all the other bloggers I’ve met.

~ Zak Mustapha ~ Founder of Foolishness File,com and a Columnist At The Huffington Post

“Philip Verghese is one of the kindest and gracious men I have had the pleasure of meeting on the internet. His genuine personality, coupled with a respect for others and his ever-positive attitude is something I feel is deteriorating among bloggers, yet is reflected in all his writing.

We can all learn an important lesson from such an example and I, for one, am honored to be able to call Philip a friend.”

~ Jaime Buckley ~ Founder and CEO of WantedHero.com

It’s a bliss to meet Philip over the web. He is an exceptional blogger who started his blogging journey without even a blog. His engaging comments in others’ pages have gained him admiration from many.

I first met him through his comment in one of my pages. I felt so connected when I first read his thoughts on my post. That’s actually the connection every author wants in her/his content.

Phil is a very mature blogger who knows every aspect of blogging, but yet very down to earth. He has been a true encourager of newbie bloggers and is a help to many. I wish him all the amazing moments in life!

~Manidipa Bhaumik is the owner of WP Blogging360.com

Read Manidipa’s Guest Post at #Philipscom 10 Tips for the Beginners in Affiliate Marketing

“Philip is one of my best friends who I met online. Whenever I interact with him I just recall the famous quote ‘he came, he saw and conquered’. He is a mature online professional and his deep interest in a diverse niche is the proof that he is strongly attached to the field of learning and sharing his knowledge with others. I am sure the place where he is now is just a start and he will set new records of online popularity in near future”.

~ Mi Muba, The founder, and CEO of Be A Money Blogger based in Pakistan.

Read Mi Muba’s Guest Post @Philipscom Two winning methods to become a money blogger…

“Philips without a second thought is a wonderful guy and a true inspiration. He has this beautiful quality of reaching out and providing a helping hand to people. He probably is one of the few people who spends as much time selflessly assisting other people as his own self. Also, it is amazing that Philips can contribute to the content so regularly in two languages with and increase in quality. This definitely shows the amount of talent inside him. I am so happy to have found you and have a friend like you :)”

~ Navneet is the CEO of Techferb.com He is based in New Delhi.

“Phil is one of the most dedicated bloggers and content marketers I know, guided by a deep sense of doing good — and doing it well. He understands the blogosphere and social media and makes the effort to connect with others and build networks that are of benefit to anyone he works with. Meeting Phil has been one of those pleasant surprises I have had working on the Internet.”

~ David Leonhardt is the President and CEO of THG Writers.com He is based in Canada.

Read David’s Guest Post @ #Philipscom: Productivity Hack for Bloggers…

“Philip Verghese Ariel is an enterprising blogger. He is one of the bloggers who is good-hearted and a great person too. Phil is an expert freelance writer and that is reflected in his blog posts. I’m honored that we connected through our blogs, and now that he is a member of the ABC, so we all benefit from his immense knowledge and experience. P.V. Ariel is a valued blogger and I wish him all the best for the future.

~ Harleena Singh is the Owner of AhaNOW webpages and the CEO of ABC Blog Community.

Read A Blog Post About AhaNOW @ #Philipscom: A Priceless Gift From AhaNOW

Philip is a wonderful blogger. I am really glad to meet him online. I am a big fan of his blog “Confident Living Magazine” and “Philipscom”. He is doing really great in both the blogs by sharing his wonderful knowledge with others. And I am very sure that he will achieve the success very soon. The plus points which attracted me more that he could write in two different languages. This is really amazing. Not every person can write in two languages. Only an expert can do. Philip, I am very happy to have you in my blogging community. Keep going and all the very best for your future. ~ Nisha Pandey is the CEO and founder of Seotechyworld.com Read Nisha’s Guest Post @ #Philipscom: 30 Smart Ways to Write Traffic-Puller Blog Posts

What a blessing that not too long ago my path crossed with Philip Verghese ‘Ariel.’ He is a man of integrity and is continually encouraging others online. Philip shares excellent articles and cares a great deal about helping others. I count it a real privilege to call him my colleague and friend.

~ Carol Amato is the CEO of CarolAmato.com She is based in the USA. Read Carol’s Guest post@ #Philipscom: Why List Building Is The Best Model For Your Business

I’m so thankful to have met Philip this year, he is so full of life and passion. If you visit his blog it is obvious that he genuinely cares about what he does and that he is a highly-skilled professional. What I like best is that he is always there to answer my questions when I reach out for help. Philip has been a very good friend to me, always there to greet me with his Big Ole Smile.

~ Chery Schmidt is the owner of Successcoach.CherySchmdt.ws She is based in Wisconsin, USA. Read Chery’s Guest Post @Philipscom: Adding Your Picture To Word Press Blog Comments…

I’m so thankful to have met Philip this year, he is so full of life and passion. If you visit his blog it is obvious that he genuinely cares about what he does and that he is a highly-skilled professional. What I like best is that he is always there to answer my questions when I reach out for help. Philip has been a very good friend to me, always there to greet me with his Big Ole Smile.

~ Rohan Chaubey is an upcoming Techie blogger and the owner CEO of Learning With Team SR and a leader board member of AhaNOW ABC Blogging Community He is based in Mumbai, India.

“Philip is the one who jumped into the race and wore the crown like a super hero. He has versatile talents, eventually one of the most dedicated bloggers who manage to write in two different languages at the same time.

Being around him, I’ve learned a lot of interesting things.

Do you know his name “Philip” reveals his inherent qualities?

The characters in “Philip” mean,







Those words reflect his actual works.

~ Abrar Mohi Shafee is from Bangladesh and he is the founder and CEO of Bloggingspell.com

Let’s be honest here. On the outer look, Philip looks like the just-another-guy type of person. That’s what I thought about him when I first e-meet him. Down to earth and humble, he’s probably an excellent example for many. Here’s the thing. When you get to know him even more, you realized that he sparkles from inside out! Let me sum it up real short. He’s an awesome guy, far more helpful than any other bloggers and an absolutely must to be in your black book of contacts.

Phil is a very good freelance writer cum blogger and at the same time, he is very kind. The best thing about him is he is very hard working and energetic, I can see him everywhere commenting and engaging with fellow bloggers. I am happy that I am connected with him my blog. I am a regular reader of his blog as I love his writing style. I wish him all the best for all of his future endeavors

~ Atish Ranjan is the founder and SEO of AtishRanjan.com Based In New Delhi India.

Read Atish’s Guest Post @Philipscom: Why Should Bloggers Read A Lot?…

“I met Philip in the beginning of 2014 in a blogging community forum and we were very closely associating each other for our blog needs. He is a voracious reader and a prolific writer. His comments at different blog forums and blogs sites are indeed worth notable, and that draws people to his page. He bagged several prizes for his commenting activities at different communities and forums. He is indeed a mulch-talented personality who can easily handle two language pages. His dealings with different niche pages are worth emulating. I am so glad that I met Philips the blogger from India. I wish him all success in his future endeavors.”

~ Jackson Nwachukwu, is the founder and CEO of Worthblogger.com

“One of the reasons the year 2014 has been a great year is Philip. He is one guy who will stop at nothing to promote his friends and he’s always there to respond to every mail. I can encourage everyone to go closer to him because he’s got something I really appreciate. The year 2015 is surely another wonderful year with buddy Phil”

~ Enstine Muki -The Money Bloggers is the Founder and CEO of EnstineMuki.com

Read A Post About Enstine Muki’s Plugin: Philipscom Comment Authors

I met Philips in a blogging community. His relentless support to the newbie bloggers are praiseworthy and it got attracted to me to his blog pages. He has been a real inspiration to many bloggers even to the pro-bloggers. He is an active member in some of the major blog communities, and his style of commenting will get attracted by the readers. I could pick up a number of lessons from his book in a short period of time, and I recommend his page to many of my fellow bloggers. I appreciate and wish him all success in his future endeavors.

~ Ashutosh Jha is the founder and CEO of TrickRoad.com

Philip is a spark of Inspiration. His blog is an evidence of genuine care and professionalism. His writings are very inspirational and informational. He is a keen learner, generous and so thoughtful and I am impressed that he manages his multi-niche blog quite well especially in two languages. It has been an honor to meet a wonderful brother and pro blogger

~ Ikechi Awazie is the owner and CEO of awazieikechi.com. He is an Information Technology Specialist, Content developer, Social Media Consultant Web: www.ikechiawazie.com Read Ikechi’s Guest Post @Philipscom 3 Life Metaphors…

“Phillip is generous with the wealth of knowledge he shares on his site and steadfast in his faith and devotion. In this day and age, that is refreshing!”

~ Alex J. Cavanaugh is the author of Amazon Best-selling Cassa series. And he is the CEO and founder of Insecure Writers Support Group.

Philip is a kind-hearted, caring and generous person who is so full of life and passion for what he does. I met him online through the Aha!NOW blog community ABC and have found him to be very friendly and always willing to help others. He is never too busy to encourage and uplift others through his blog and I am blessed to have met him.

~ Yvonne I. Wilson is the CEO of EmpowermentMomentsWeb Page She is based in Virgin Islands (British)

P V is an energetic and very communicative person. His blog is an attractive one and I like it very much. His write-ups are informative and educative too and are very profitable to bloggers especially the newbies. I appreciate his hard work to grow up in the world of blogging and he is very active in the blogging community. He is an inspiration to me and I am sure other newbies too will agree with me. Nice that I met PV online.

~ Adarsh Sojitra is the CEO of Bloggingisart.com

I have been following Philip for a while now. I learned ever more about him in a recently done interview. He is very honest and I love that about him, I also love his advice that he gives new bloggers. His story is inspiring and can definitely help all of us. Philip we all expect you to be around for years to come sharing your wonderful insights with us.

~ Nathaniel Kidd The founder and CEO of FrugalSoldier.com

I met Philips sir first through his blog and then we got connected with his social media. He is one of the most dedicated an

d professional blogger as well as an Internet Marketer. His blog page Philipscom speaks volume, especially to the newbies in blogging. He shares his knowledge in the field of blogging without any expectation. Yet another thing to say about him is, his comments on his fellow blogger’s pages are constructive and educative ones, and it gives encouragement to the bloggers. He always leaves comments from his heart. I am glad I met him online recently. ~ Naveen Kumar is a young blogger and an SEO Expert who owns the page: f5therefresh.com Read Naveen’s Guest Post @Philipscom: How To Remove Your Last Name From Facebook Account

I have had the opportunity to be with Philipsji and his blogging activities since few years. He is such a wonderful person that his way of communication is really engaging. My association started with him through the Malayalam blog pages. I could write about him and his write-ups in the Malayalam Blog Review magazine several times. You can read one such write-up HERE about Philipsji I wrote for an online magazine. In fact, he is a jovial person but at the same time a very serious one too especially on his relevant subjects and visions. Each of his communication either by mail, chat or by phone is a lesson in itself. One can surely pick one or two lessons from his communications or from his write-ups. I am so glad that I could meet a loving personality like P V. through online. I wish him a successful writing career in the years ahead. ~ Faizal Babu is an engineer by profession and a freelance writer based in Al Qunfudhah, Saudi Arabia. He is the owner and CEO of Oorkkadavu Blog and the Chief Editor of Malayalam Blog Review Magazine Varikalkkidayil

Malsawmi Jacob

Philip ‘Ariel’ and I have been on-line friends for several years now. We have interacted a good deal, mostly concerning writing, blogging, etc. Though we haven’t yet met in person, I’ve formed quite a definite impression of his personality from his internet activities. One thing that strikes me about him is his enthusiasm for writing. On a variety of subjects. He’s written on biblical topics, on environment and nature, on pieces of history and culture, and on nostalgic, personal experiences.

Another nature of Philip I’ve noticed is, he is an encourager. He has given me feedback on my articles, even re-publishing some of them in Confident Living, the magazine he works with. Through e-mails and Facebook chats, he often urges me to write more, even inviting me to be a guest on his website. I wish him all the best for this new project. May he keep up his healthy, child-like enthusiasm and the good work of encouraging his fellow writers. ~ Malsawmi Jacob, ‘Mesjay’ is a former English lecturer, poet and story writer based in Bangalore, She writes at Emystoryland and Zozem

“Phil is one of those dedicated bloggers who knows the meaning of the word “connection’. It is very evident that he is committed to building networks with others and this will take him a long way in his blogging journey. He has a high level of enthusiasm for not only building quality content on his blog, but also for sharing content from others. Phil is certainly standing out in the blogging world!”

~ Catherine Holt is the founder and CEO of “Blogging Tips 101” She is based in Australia.

Read An Interview With Catherine Holt: Blogging Tips From Philip Varghese at Philipscom

How did Philip come to my attention? The people around him certainly hold him high regard. That was what got me curious. Everyone responded to Philip with respect. And I always found there was a crowd gathered with his presence. I thought to myself I had better check this fellow blogger out. After reading a few of his post I realized how easy it was to connect. I gained a lot of knowledge from his clarity and the way he writes. The last post was a poem that touched my heart. That’s how Philip came to my attention. ~ Rachel is a freelance writer and a blogger from Australia. She is the founder and CEO of Dig A Little Deeper

Here are some of the previous testimonials from my, Google’s Knol friends

Philip is a fine writer and editor as well as a learned mentor of the first water; rendering assistance and


ise generously with no expectation of return. He has an obvious love for the written word and respect for truly venerable writings. All these attributes are perhaps secondary to the genuine and wholehearted friendship he offers to each of us. ~ Peggy Strickland is an Independent Writing and Editing Professional, and owner of PeggyStrickland.com

Philip is the embodiment of enthusiasm. What he believes in he is totally passionate about, and those around him are

soon caught up in his infectious fervor. There is no half-way with Philip. If he is on your team you don’t need to worry about others knowing about what you do. Philip has already told them in the most positive way. ~ Peter Baskerville is “Entrepreneur in residence” at Southbank Institute & Founder of Skillmaker.edu.au

Mr. Ariel is active in blogging for a very long time and he is a professional journalist. He brings his expertise to his blog in various ways and creates appealing content. He also supports fellow bloggers. My best wishes for his success in 2015. ~ Dr. K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao is a Professor at National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, India. And he is the owner and CEO of NRao Blogs

I had the chance to meet Philip in the context of Google Knol. He is a prolific writer with great interest into things which are actually important and writes passionately about them. He is kind and open-hearted, nice to talk to and a great author mostly because he just writes what he thinks in a simple and honest way (something really missing from today’s world where most try to pretend to be someone else when the best thing they can do is just be themselves). We surely need more people like Philip! Keep up the good work!

~ Spiros Kakos is a Chemical Engineer and an IT Consultant, a Ph.D. level researcher who wrote many papers on philosophy in Greek and in English. He is based in Athens Greece and he is the CEO and owner of Harmonia Philosophica



Picture Credit: freedigitalphotos,net

Source: FreedigitalPhotos

Originally published at www.pvariel.com on August 21, 2016.



Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’

A multilingual freelance writer/blogger/editor/internet marketer/Roundup post expert. And A follower of Jesus Christ. Webs: https://www.pvariel.com