Hear Ye Hear Ye: To Whom It May Concern

4 min readSep 30, 2016


I fancy myself a dilettante of many interests. In recent weeks I’ve been browsing through a boatload of articles, fuelled by my impending medium addiction (because it isn’t full fledged yet but virtually inevitable now) and barrage of free email subscriptions I’ve been racking up lately. I am also always reading books centred around themes that interest me, mostly sociology, history, psychology, philosophy, science, tech etc.

I know I know, don’t be scared

Added to this is my incessant urge to get my writing groove back, though that I ever had one in the first place is debatable. Moving forward, I have decided to curate interesting articles, social media posts, sound bites, video blurbs, etc i.e digital content which I read or interact with through the course of a week into weekly posts on this page every Friday. Admittedly this is more about me than anybody else, it will basically contain whatever I find interesting and want to share. What’s life without a little self indulgence here and there?


I do not promise quality, I am certainly not sufficiently qualified to go in-depth into most of the ideas I wager I’d be sharing, just some light commentary, surface ripples and impressions they leave on me. This will make me seem like a toddler looking into a dimly lit room some of the time so feel free to attack my opinions in the comments section if you care enough to engage me constructively. This is an experiment to test my consistency if not anything else. I will try to be as objective as my confirmation bias will allow.

So let’s get right into it then….

By the way, feel free to skip any parts that do not appeal to you.

First up— The Case Against Iphone Reviews

The title might seem like click-bait but she does raise some interesting points, I think, feel free to disagree. Osarumen and I had a long windy argument about the contents of this article also, I may or may not have lost my cool.

If like me, you find cognitive biases fascinating, you might enjoy this — How Our Biases Make us blind

It’s the American election season and people in general might be at odds at to what exactly is going on. Fact that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named even has a shot at the ultimate prize is mind-boggling. Read this opinion piece from Quartz as to why you might have been thinking about it all wrong — Here

I also found this very interesting — ClickHere

The article outlines 5 technologies the writer wagers are going to define cities come next decade . They are Computer Vision, 5G, Mixed Reality, Autonomous Vehicles, and Artificial Intelligence. Aren’t these lovely? Exciting stuff if I do say so myself.

Science Fiction lovers should like this — The Nonlinear History of Time Travel

Mentions Godel, Einstein, Hawking, the predestination paradox, some good humour and why time travel to the past does not make sense. Okay on second thought maybe science fiction lovers wouldn’t love it that much.

There has been a lot of excitement about the possibilities of self driving cars, with Uber rolling out preliminary tests in Pittsburgh and other tech companies joining the fray. While this excitement is certainly not premature, I found some pretty iffy articles that might just take the wind out of your sails.

Here — Lyft’s 10-Year Driverless Car Plan Is a Pipe Dream

And here — Uber will not kill car ownership

Finally — The Self-Driving Urban Nirvana Fallacy

This article on the The Funnel Effect in Nigeria’s Education System almost had me in tears. This twitter thread also highlights similar faults. Which way Nigeria? Maybe start investing in human capital and stop eating away at the future of children.

Elon Musk wants to make humans a multi-planetary species, listen to his not so crazy ideas. Is it just me or is this guy the real life Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne? I found listening to him oddly satisfying, though I only watched this for 20 minutes.

Read My Lagos Experience by Temisan, I like it, concise and straight to the point.

For hardcore science nerds — Was Earth Born With Life Already on it?

More Nerd Stuff, if you’re into this sort of thing —

Have a happy weekend guys. Happy new month in advance and I would say happy independence day to Nigeria but what is there to celebrate?

