Pamela Bradford
4 min readMar 4, 2018
Image Credit: Boston Globe — Rhea the naked bird.*

In the beginning the birds had no feathers at all, so they were naked and hung their heads because they were ashamed. When winter came they got very cold. Then they held a council and decided to ask the Gods to give them coats with which to cover themselves.

The Gods met them in Council, and when the birds told them what they wanted, the Gods told them that the coats were already made and waiting for them, but they were far away, and someone would have to go and bring them.

Then they called for someone to go and the Buzzard offered his services.

The Buzzard started out and traveled for such a long time that he ate up all the food he had brought along and got so hungry that he had to eat anything he could find, and he does this to this day.

After a long, long time, he reached the place where the new feather coats were, and picked out the most beautiful one to try on, thinking to wear it himself. But it would not fit.

Then he tried on one coat after another, always the finest and brightest he could find, but not a single one of them would fit him. So he piled all those that he had tried on to one side, and kept right on trying to find one that would fit. It took a long time to do this for the buzzard tried on every coat there was, until, at last, only one was left, and he put it on.

