When You’re Down Look Up

Keeleys Monthly Challenge

Pamela Oglesby
2 min readAug 3, 2023
Photo By Cottonbro studio on Pexels

Thank you Keeley for these guidelines:

  • Your story must centre around the theme of wisdom.
  • Your story must include the words accept, wish, grow, resent and the number 41 (you can use longer words — as long as they retain the original spelling within them.)
  • Your story must open with a 12-word sentence.
  • Your word limit is not capped so you do you.

Everyone Needs Encouragement Sometimes

“I wish you would accept your limitations and grow spiritually,” said June.

“I resent your comments,” Mary replied.

“I am trying to help you Mary.”

“I have told you at least 41 times that I don’t want your help!” Tears were running down Mary’s cheeks as she sobbed.

“Mary, don’t cry. I know you are in pain. I love you and want to help you,” June stated in a loving voice.

June handed a tissue to Mary who was still crying. June was sitting in her wheelchair, wearing her usual shorts and T-shirt. June was patiently waiting for Mary to regain her composure.



Pamela Oglesby

I have been writing online for 15 years. I have won 5 Medium top writer awards,. I write about medical issues, human interest and relationship stories..