Chinese Traditional Decorative Knots | Chinese Knotting | Zhōngguójié

3 min readMar 5, 2019


Facts about Chinese Knot

Chinese knot (中国结 [zhōngguójié]), also known as Chinese tassel and Chinese knot braid, is a special Chinese handicraft presenting manual weaving arts and profound cultural heritage. One piece of cord can turn into various types of symmetrical knots by tying and weaving. Each type of knot will be named after its shape and symbolic meaning. Since the Chinese knot carries blessings of people, the color of the cord is usually selected as red which has the Chinese cultural connotations of fortune and auspiciousness. Chinese knot has developed into a popular folk art around the world. This ingenious knot not only conveys good wishes but also stands as a witness of the Chinese wisdom and ancient civilization. In ancient times, Chinese knots were mostly used as decorations on clothes, swords or walls. Nowadays, except for the traditional usages, Chinese knot has become a specific manual weaving art. Many handicraft workshops are established for people who are interested in Chinese traditional culture and Chinese knot braid. These handicraft workshops provide professional courses of knot making and create a platform for learners to share their enthusiasm for Chinese traditional culture.

History of Chinese Knot

Knot making has been developing throughout human history. Dating back to Palaeolithic Age (旧石器时代 [jiù shí qì shí dài]), the Upper Cave Man (山顶洞人 [shān dǐng dòng rén]) had mastered the weaving skills. According to the Book of Changes (易经 [yì jīng]), records were kept by way of tying knots before the written system was invented. By the time of the Qing Dynasty (1644 –1912), Chinese knot became high-level manual works of art. Chinese knot braids were hung on various adornments and utensils. Unfortunately, the latest relics of Chinese knots that can be found today are from the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912) because the materials of cords were unavoidable from erosion. In modern times, due to the process of globalization, Chinese knot once experienced its tough period since science and technology were priorities of national development. With the trend of carrying forward traditional Chinese culture, Chinese knot and other Chinese traditional cultural products gained public attention again. Nowadays, Chinese knot has become a symbol of Chinese identity. Even in foreign countries, this ingenious Chinese knot has helped to pass Chinese cultural appeals to all foreign friends.

Chinese Knot Symbolism

Chinese knot is deeply adored by Chinese people because of its positive cultural connotation. It usually functions as a gift to extend best wishes to the receiver. The symbolism of Chinese knot is inseparable from traditional Chinese culture. In Chinese language, the pronunciation of the word “cord (绳 [shéng])” is quite similar to “shèng [胜]” which refers to fortune and achievement. The shape of Chinese knots is generally symmetrical, which corresponds to the notion of balance, the kernel of traditional Chinese culture. Besides, various types of knots have different symbolic meanings. For instance, “píng ān (平安)” knot carries a “píng ān” blessing; “píng ān” means “safety”. Similarly, “shuāng qián (双钱)” means “making more money” and “tóng xīn (同心)”means “have a happy marriage”. Different Chinese knots bear different symbolic meanings, but all of them express good wishes. Chinese knots are not only the presentation of aesthetics in a graceful structural form but also the manifestation of Chinese traditional culture.

Typical Types of Chinese Knot

1. Píng’ān Knot (Safety Knot;平安结)

Píng’ān Knot has the two characters — 平安 — knitted in the knot.

2. Tóngxīn Knot (True Lovers’ Knot; 同心结)

Tóngxīn Knot literally means the same heart knot, which is specially made for newly-married couples to hold at their wedding as a ritual.

3. Shuāngqián Knot (Double Coins Knot; 双钱结)

The shape of shuāngqián Knot is like two coppers tied together. It symbolizes that good things always come in pairs.

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