Year of the Rabbit | Chinese Zodiac: Rabbit | 2019 Fortune

3 min readJan 23, 2019

Facts about the Rabbit

Rabbit is one of the twelve zodiac signs in China, ranking fourth. 2011 was a rabbit year, and the next rabbit year will be 2023. The rabbit years include (…) 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, and 2023 (…) The Chinese Zodiac is closely associated with the Twelve Earthly Branches and the Five Elements. The rabbit is no exception. The year of the rabbit is related to 卯 (mǎo), having the meaning of “5 to 7 o’clock am”. As for the Five Elements, the last year of the rabbit (2011) was a metal rabbit year and 2023 will be a water rabbit year, according to some fortune tellers. In terms of yin and yang (阴阳 [yīn yáng]), the rabbit is yin. In Chinese culture, zodiac signs are not just simple signs that connected to people’s birth. Different Chinese Zodiac animals are also inextricably linked to the personality, fortune, career, etc. of the Chinese.

Personality & Compatibility of Rabbit People

Just as rabbits are peaceful and quiet animals, people born in the year of the rabbit are such humans. They have many qualities that are similar to features of rabbits. They are peaceful, sensitive, graceful but also stubborn, overly discreet and have a tendency to escape from reality. With a soft attitude and a calm personality, they usually have good interpersonal relationships when they are communicating with others. Some people believe that a rabbit person sometimes is neurotic because of his delicate mind.
People with rabbit signs are most compatible with the dog, the pig, and the goat. All of them have similar personalities that make them attracted by each other. However, the rooster, snake, and dragon are the worst zodiac signs for a rabbit. Their relationship could not last for long because they may have many conflicts in the process of their getting along.

Best Matches: Dog, Pig & Sheep

Worst Matches: Rooster, Snake & Dragon

Lucky and Unlucky Things for Rabbit People

1)Lucky Numbers: 1, 3, 6, 8
2)Lucky Colors: yellow, green, blue,
3)Lucky Flowers: jasmine, cyclamen, orchid
4)Lucky Directions: east, southeast, south

1)Unlucky Numbers: 4, 5, 9
2)Unlucky Colors: dark brown, black, white
3)Unlucky Directions: west, southwest, northeast

Rabbit People in 2019

2019 will be a lucky year for people with rabbit signs. 2019 will be the year of the pig, related to Water (水 [shuǐ]) of the Five Elements, which is compatible with the rabbit. In 2019, their career will be smooth, and they will easily get help from others. While the foundation is still being laid, they should work steadily. There will be no big ups and downs in financial affairs in 2019. They should plan their spending carefully on a long-term basis. As for the relationship, men who are born in the year of the rabbit have much better luck than women. They can take part in more outdoor activities in the coming 2019, but it is not advisable to go to too dark and damp places in case of getting sick.

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