Fearful vs Hopeful

Pankaj Verma
3 min readDec 28, 2017


Who is fearful?

I think fearful is one who has lesser connect with inner-self which is never changing. People fear only when they have not experienced something in themselves which is never changing. The moment they experience it, they welcome change.

The inner-self is like the wheel axle on which change is facilitated.

Hopeful Person consider himself/herself separate from his / her thoughts /status / assets / possessions. He/she knows what is intrinsic and what has been acquired.

Thoughts /emotions /status / assets / possessions are acquired things over and above the intrinsic core of the person. Value of intrinsic core is beyond anything. That is why the Hopeful person is not impacted by the attacks on his / her acquired assets of thoughts / emotions/ actions etc. He/she draws his/her calmness from the intrinsic core.

On the contrary, the Fearful person is not at-all aware of his/her intrinsic core and whatever he/she has acquired in-terms of thoughts/emotions/ worldly assets define his/her being. That is why any attack oh his/her thoughts are taken personally. His / her calmness depends on his/her acquired objects of thoughts/emotions/ worldly assets.

If others appreciate his/her acquired objects, he/she feels happy. Any slightest of rejection from others fill him/her with fear. He/she is always looking for acceptance from others. Other opinions matter to him/her. Others control him/her. But why does it happens? It happens because when one is not able to discriminate between oneself (the ‘SUBJECT’) and one’s acquired ‘OBJECTS’ (i.e., thoughts/emotions / actions / worldly assets). The key is separation of ‘OBJECTs’ from the ‘SUBJECT’. The separation provides the perception i.e., the ability to observe things (aka objects).

I believe being Fearful or Hopeful is an outcome of how our consciousness flows: whether it flows outwards or inward. One cannot do much on the outcome but one can control the direction of one’s consciousness.

If direction focusses on inner self, the real you (the subject) sitting in your deep core, you connect with your intrinsic core which is always calm like a still water. And this stillness enables you to objectively view ripples caused by the outer world of OBJECTs.

The moment ‘subject’ is able to observe the ‘object’, the Hopeful is born!!!

But at the end of the day, one needs to transcends both Fear and Hope to touch the infinite calm of the inner-most core. And the transcendence comes from ‘SUBJECT’s ability to observe ‘OBJECTs’. When I say ‘OBJECT’, I mean the thing on which your consciousness falls. Your thoughts, emotions, actions, your home, car, degree, money are examples of the OBJECT. All OBJECTs are acquired. They are not intrinsic to you. You are the SUBJECT. You are intrinsic- not defined by any OBJECT whatsoever.

*** End of Document ***



Pankaj Verma

Learning Life. Working as Architect at IBM | Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi