Red Hat to bolster IBM Offerings of Hybrid Cloud and Cognitive Enterprise…

Pankaj Verma
2 min readJul 20, 2019


I believe Red Hat acquisition by IBM will hugely benefit Red Hat and IBM in specific and clients in general. Red Hat will get the scale of IBM’s reach across the globe along with its consulting and SI services. IBM will get to know the pulse of clients through Open Source communities to keep it’s strategy always aligned with the market!

IBM offerings for Cloudifying the enterprises and make them Cognitive Enterprises will get a big boost with Red Hat open source portfolio of products like OpenShift, OpenStack, 3Scales, JBoss, Fuse, Ansible.

In the current disruptive situation, an enterprise has no choice but to keep forecasting and innovating (not reacting) vow experiences to surprise their customers- this is what makes a Cognitive Enterprise.

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Pankaj Verma

Learning Life. Working as Architect at IBM | Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi