ChainSafe, DappNode, and more receive Ethereum grants in Batch Five

Panvala has awarded ten teams receive grants they can use to pay their bills or join the DAO

3 min readFeb 5, 2020

Panvala’s fifth batch of grants went to firms and projects on the forefront of the biggest challenges in the Ethereum ecosystem. The Ethereum vision depends on several parallel efforts that shore up its foundations and put the technology in the hands of everyday users. Panvala’s sponsors and DAO voters — including previous grantees who have held their tokens to vote — are happy to support all kinds of work that lifts up the Ethereum ecosystem.

ChainSafe and Quilt received grants for their ongoing work on Ethereum 2.0. ChainSafe builds the Lighthouse client that runs in browsers and other JavaScript environments. Quilt’s work enables smart contracts to run in Ethereum 2.0 execution environments. DappNode received a grant for providing a user-friendly setup for Ethereum 2.0 validators who want to store their cryptographic keys in secure enclaves with SGX.

Nutberry’s work improves backward-compatibility for Optimistic Rollup, the cutting-edge layer 2 scaling solution. NutBerry intentionally has the same transaction encoding and signing scheme as Ethereum transactions to be one-to-one compatible with the existing ecosystem. NutBerry improves the latency of smart contract transactions and improves transaction throughput.

SOLL and received grants to improve tools for Ethereum developers. SOLL is a new compiler for generating Ewasm (Ethereum flavored WebAssembly) files from Solidity, which could be crucial during the transition to Ethereum 2.0. is working on graph database nodes for dapps to create fast, queryable caches that bring the speed of centralized apps to the decentralized world.

To put more dapps in the hands of everyday users, grants were awarded to Universal Login, Alice, AlphaWallet, and FairDrive. Universal Login simplifies onboarding new users with built-in wallet recoverability and a fiat-to-crypto onramp that any dapp can use. Alice is reducing the barrier to build native mobile apps by embedding them directly in their cryptocurrency wallet. AlphaWallet provides a scripting language for tokens to provide another approach that allows functionality to be directly embedded in wallets. FairDrive is free software that lets you store and exchange your personal data in a completely private way and without having to use any central server.

With these grants, Panvala has now issued grants to 36 projects across the Ethereum ecosystem. These grants are supported by our sponsors: Unstoppable Domains, Helium, and MythX. Panvala is run by our token holders, including many teams who have held the tokens they were granted to participate in the DAO. You can run Panvala too! Join Panvala today.

Ethereum 2.0 Grant Winners

ChainSafe: Light Clients for Ethereum 2.0

350,000 PAN

Quilt: Ethereum 2.0 Execution Environments

200,000 PAN

DappNode: SGX-Enabled Ethereum 2.0 Validator Package

200,000 PAN

Layer 2 Scaling Grant Winners

NutBerry: Backward-Compatible Optimistic Rollup

100,000 PAN

Developer Tools and Growth Grant Winners

SOLL: Solidity WebAssembly Compiler

100,000 PAN Graph Database Nodes for Dapps

100,000 PAN

Dapps and Usability Grant Winners

Universal Logins

150,000 PAN

Alice: Alice for Android

100,000 PAN

AlphaWallet: TokenScript

150,000 PAN

FairDrive: Decentralized Cloud Storage

100,000 PAN

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