How to Mint Your Free Relic

Our ParaFam Can Now Mint Relics 1 & 2 on the DApp

Paragons NFT
3 min readMar 28, 2022

Relics 1 and 2 have finally emerged from the blackhole and are ready to be claimed by YOU! If you haven’t minted a Paragon NFT yet, you can still do so and be eligible for your FREE Relic here.

Remember…in tandem with Shrines, these powerful objects will play an important role in the Paraverse ecosystem. These first two Relics hold the greatest rewards in and out of the Paraverse, so make sure to mint them before it’s too late!

Each holder will have access to mint 1 FREE Relic per 1 Paragon, and the Relic number is dependent on your Paragon token ID:
Relic 1 token range: 0 -1712
Relic 2 token range: 1713–3424

The entire relic page is chock-full of information about the relics and can serve as your go-to source of the most up-to-date information about relics.

Now for instructions on how to mint your relic(s):

1. Head to the Relics section of our DApp and select the ‘CONNECT WALLET’ tab at the bottom right of the screen.

2. Once your wallet is connected, go to the ‘MY RELICS’ tab at the bottom left of the screen. Select ‘RELIC 1’ or ‘RELIC 2’ based on your Paragon token ID (see above). Choose which Paragon(s) you would like to mint a FREE Relic for and confirm the gas fee once your wallet loads.

3. After a few minutes (or after you reconnect your wallet), your number of owned Relics will populate in your DApp. You can also view your minted Relics in your OpenSea account.

— — UPDATE (3/29/22) — —

How to see if a Paragon has minted its associated Relic

We have added this useful feature so you can easily find out if a Paragon has already minted it’s Relic or not. You’ll now be able to see a symbol in the top left corner of each Paragon in the gallery. If you see this circular symbol, that means the paragon has yet to claim its Relic. If the paragon doesn’t have the symbol at the top left of its picture, then someone has already claimed that Paragons relic. It’s that simple.

Three random paragons from our Gallery view. The left-most Paragon has already minted it’s relic.

What’s more, you can also sort the Paragons based on Claimed and Unclaimed Relics.

[✅] Next up on the DApp… filtering to see if a paragon has already claimed their shrine or not.

Next up on the roadmap…SHRINES, staking, vaulting and so much more.

Relic + Shrine TOGETHER = higher yields, more opportunity to earn higher tokens, and additional benefits!



Paragons NFT

Collection of 9,424 3D-generated NFTs built for the Paraverse