Thesis Paraphrasing: How to Avoid Main Mistakes

Paraphrase Service
3 min readNov 1, 2016


The Importance of Thesis Paraphrasing for Original Contents

A thesis is a crucial academic requirement that help showcase your expertise and level of proficiency in your chosen field. In the span of your research, you may need ideas and studies from other researchers which is why it is important that you understand the basic of thesis paraphrasing. Majority often fall prey to common thesis or resume rewording and writing errors which results to plagiarized content.

Tips and Don’ts on How to Paraphrase Using Best Strategies

For students who wish to learn the effective methods of proper paraphrasing, you are in luck as we provide you the best tips and tricks that are truly lifesaver. Here are top 5 tips for thesis paraphrasing:

Never use the same words and sentence structure as the original source. Use synonymous words and start from another section of the text to create an entirely new sentence.

Quoting is helpful especially when you literally need to copy parts of the text but you should also limit the use of quotes especially if you want your thesis to be readable and professional.

Describe the sentences based on your own words. Think of it as explaining it to your reader what you understood in the content. Add in your personal style of writing for an authentic result.

There is no need for you to quote or paraphrase every single thing in your thesis. Choose carefully areas and select those that would add value to your research.

Lastly, always cite your sources. Even if you are paraphrasing, quoting or summarizing, properly acknowledging the author will avoid plagiarism in your thesis.

To avoid errors in thesis paraphrasing, it is also essential that you recognize these mistakes. The following are don’ts of paraphrasing that you should always avoid:

Do not change the original meaning of the content to suit your needs.

Do not include your opinion when paraphrasing specific texts.

Do not leave out information that would create an entirely new meaning to the original source.

Do not plagiarize and credit your authors accordingly.

Do not switch few words and pass it as yours.

Avoid Mistakes and Use Simple Paraphrase Generator Online

Unsuccessful paraphrasing is considered as plagiarism which could compromise the quality and credibility of your paper. The best thing to do if you are unsure about correct thesis paraphrasing is to get writing help. Many professional services are dedicated to giving students the necessary help on how to paraphrase. You can also take advantage of paraphrase generator to ensure that no areas of your thesis are duplicated or plagiarized. Even if plagiarism is unintentional, you are still liable with the final result of your thesis so make sure to double, triple check it. If you think you have poor paraphrasing strategies, do not hesitate to use premium paraphrasing service that’s dedicated to original, flawless thesis.

Learn more how you can ensure the authenticity of your paper with proper thesis paraphrasing online!

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