Particle Network Secures 1.8M USD to Build Web3.0 Mobile App Data and Development Platform

Pengyu Wang
3 min readApr 28, 2022


Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve successfully raised $1.8 million from some of the top strategic investors in crypto. This pre-seed round was led by Longhash Ventures, with participation from Insignia Ventures Partners, CyberConnect, BitCoke Ventures, FSC Ventures, Monad Labs as well as a number of well-known individual investors and tech entrepreneurs. Everything came together quickly and was eventually oversubscribed. We’re absolutely delighted to bring them all on board!

For Developers, By Developers, With Developers

Previously, the Particle Network team was already experienced in developing mobile apps. However, when we wanted to build a Web3.0 mobile app on Solana last year, we found it troubling that there were many basic app functions we needed to implement from scratch. To us, it also didn’t make sense for each developer to reinvent the wheel upon the creation of every Web3.0 app — it doesn’t contribute to the long-term development of Web3.0. Thus, we created Particle Network, a mobile app data and development platform for the Web3.0, providing scalable, decentralized backends and data infrastructure for developers.

Particle Network provides universal tools and functions applicable for the development of all Web3.0 apps. Through API integration, developers can implement these functions simply by setting parameters and front-end designs.

In terms of application data, on-chain data will be cleaned and structured according to the user’s wallet address. Data-linking tools will be provided on Particle Network as well, facilitating developers in transferring first-party users (from any source) and tying them to their on-chain data and behavior. This will create a comprehensive user portrait.

All of this will lower the barriers to developing and operating Web3.0 mobile apps. Developers can thus focus on what they do best: creativity and improving user experience.

Composable, Open, and Scalable

Since day one, we have striven for Particle Network to become a composable infrastructure. In our point of view, composability is one of the most attractive characteristics of Web3.0. We will approach this core attribute from multiple perspectives: product design, tech stack, business collaborations, and more. We believe the the term “ecology” is outdated — there is no staking ecology in Web3.0; rather, there are sustainable links for developers, Dapps, and users.

The Continued Climb For Web3.0 Mass Adoption

We firmly believe that Web3.0 businesses will have three new characteristics:

1.Multi-chain deployment

Reason: The public chain will continue to exist with dominating superpowers and many great powers. Slowly, Web3.0 apps will move towards multi-chain deployment with the hopes of expanding their user base.

2.Exceedingly high standards for reliability, even in the early stages

Reason: Web2.0 mobile apps typically only address reliability issues (such as security and performance) when they reach a high DAU value. Web3.0 mobile apps differ in that at the earliest stages, users are conducting asset transactions and other higher-risk behaviors, which requires extremely high reliability standards.

3.User-level data sources are compiled together, adding to the difficulty of data cleaning and structuralization

Reason: As public chain performances improve, an increasing number of users’ native behaviors will occur on-chain, but there will still be a significant proportion of user behavior that are not on the chain. When projects conduct data analyses, they will need to obtain both on- and off-chain data.

Based on the three new features above, Particle Network will remain as a key player in Web3.0 by focusing on multi-chain deployment, reliability, and data structuralization.

All great journeys have a starting point and we will soon launch our Version 1.0, which highlights our mobile Auth and Wallet functions. In the beginning, we will support Solana, but we will soon expand into the EVM ecosystem. Our iterations will come fast, so stay tuned!

Completing this financing round enables us to grow our team, accelerate development, and polish the launchpad for developers to brave a new Web3.0 world! We hope that you join us on our journey and integrate Particle Network into your next big dApp.

Thank you for your continued support!


The Particle Network Team

