How Pass the Baton Works

Pass The Baton
3 min readDec 10, 2021


Donation & evolution mechanisms

Pass the Baton is a NFT project built with a purpose: to celebrate the legacy of Tommie Smith by creating a new system to provide ongoing funding for organizations fighting for equality.


Inspired by the baton Tommie used in four record-breaking races, 7872 digitally-rendered baton NFTs will get minted, each algorithmically generated to feature a unique combination of tape pattern, colorway, and Legacy Team — a sequence of six activists, advocates, and change makers — creating four intergenerational relay teams.


You will be able to mint batons from each of the four Legacy Teams, and each team has a total supply of 1968 batons. The real impact happens each time a baton is passed. Smart contracts trigger donations through proceeds collected from the public sale & secondary sale royalties to the nonprofits selected by the Legacy Team members named on each baton. Once you own a baton, you can also make a direct donation on our site, as shown below:


To further incentivize the community to drive donations to our incredible partner organizations, we’ve created a special set of evolutionary enhancements that are triggered when donation milestones are met, evolving the baton to a rarer state.

There are 5 phases of evolution:


Every baton is minted in its COMMON PHASE, and has the ability to accept on-chain donations that will be spread equally among that team’s partner organizations.

When a baton has .5 ETH worth of donations, it will evolve into its BRONZE PHASE.

When that baton hits 2.5 ETH in donations, it will transform into its SILVER PHASE.

When that baton makes it to 7.5 ETH in donations, it will evolve into its GOLD PHASE.

To reach LEGACY PHASE, you must collect and then burn 4 GOLD PHASE batons — one from each team. That process creates a very rare, matte black-on-black-on-black baton featuring the names of all 24 Legacy Team members. Only 1,968 LEGACY PHASE batons can ever be minted.

As batons evolve, so do the benefits of ownership. Baton holders will receive unprecedented access, engaging experiences, and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that can only be secured by our team of amazing partners — and all tiered by the baton’s level of evolution, with the most exclusive perks reserved for holders of fully-evolved black Legacy batons.



Pass The Baton

Purpose first #NFT platform for giving. Created by @GlennKaino @TommieSmith. Powered by @Hashed_official.