Passage Token Airdrop Information

3 min readJun 22, 2022


1. Why airdrops?

We use airdrops as a way to create incentives to visit, engage and use the Passage ecosystem. We particularly intend to bolster the interest and usage of the Passage platform for those currently engaged with the project. The desired goal of the airdrops, is that they will be used for staking to receive Passage platform benefits including streaming and future Passage NFT-purchases.

2. When do airdrops begin?

The airdrops will be claimable shortly after the public token sale.

The airdrops are not possible to distribute prior to this, as that could negatively impact the outcome of the public token sale. This has been seen in many other token projects where an abundance of unlocked airdrop tokens have been sold back during the token’s launch.

After the public sale and around the time of the airdrops, staking rewards will be voted on in order to go live. This means that there is no disadvantage in terms of staking rewards for the airdrop receivers.

3. Airdrop allocation

In total, 86,000,000 $PASG tokens are allocated towards airdrops which amounts to 14.8% of the total Token Genesis Supply (580,217,155 tokens). The Total Genesis Supply accounts for all tokens (included locked tokens) that will ever be minted apart from the staking rewards. The total supply including staking rewards amounts to 2,000,000,000 tokens.

Around half of the token airdrops will go towards the treasured and committed holders of the first 10,000 Town 1 and Town 2 NFTs, which will effectively hold 7.4% of the total Token Genesis Supply.

28,500,000 $PASG tokens to the 5000 Town 1 NFT holders

  • Snapshot time: 2022–04–30 18:32 EST. The wallet owning the NFT at the time of the snapshot gets access to claim the airdrop.
  • The airdrop amounts to 5700 $PASG tokens per Town 1 NFT with 66.7% (3800 $PASG) claimable immediately when airdrops begin shortly after the public token sale has been concluded.
  • The remaining 33.3% (1900 $PASG) of tokens (+50% of the initial claim) is received if the tokens are staked continuously until 14 months from genesis. The airdrop needs to be staked within 3 weeks from when the initial airdrop claim commences (i.e. not when you claim the tokens but when claiming is first enabled)

Town 1 NFT holder airdrop example (with example dates):

  • You hold 2 NFTs in one wallet on the snapshot date 2022–04–30.The blockchain genesis occurs on July 31, 2022. Airdrop claiming commences on October 1, 2022.
  • The total airdrop claim is 5700*2 = 11 400 $PASG, with 7600 available for initial claim. The $PASG is claimed and staked on October 7 2022.
  • The initial airdrop of 7600 $PASG remains staked and untouched, but staking rewards can be withdrawn.
  • To receive the last token airdrop, the tokens are staked from October 7 until 14 months from genesis (July 31 2022) which means Sept 30 2023. At that time, the additional airdrop of 3800 $PASG is distributed to the wallet automatically.

14,250,000 $PASG tokens to the 5000 Town 2 NFT holders (Snapshot date: Not announced)

  • Snapshot time: To be announced
  • The airdrop amounts to 2850 $PASG tokens per Town 2 NFT with 66.7% (1900 $PASG) claimable immediately when airdrops begin.
  • The remaining 33.3% (950 $PASG) of tokens (+50% of the initial claim) is received if the tokens are staked continuously until 14 months from genesis. The airdrop needs to be staked within 3 weeks from when the initial airdrop claim commences (i.e. not when you claim the tokens but when claiming is first enabled)

43,250,000 $PASG Crypto Ecosystem airdrop

  • More details will follow.

4. Check your Town 1 NFT airdrops

Visit and enter your wallet holding Strange Clan NFTs at the time of the snapshot (2022–04–30 18:32 EST) to see if you are eligible for the Passage token airdrop! The airdrops will be claimable shortly after the public token sale. (Updates following)

