Launching the WSID blog series

Yoriko Morita
1 min readJun 9, 2016


I recently had the opportunity to help launch the Legal track of events at Boulder Startup Week 2016. It was such a privilege to work with an amazing group of dedicated volunteers as well as subject matter experts who donated their time and energy in five events throughout the week!

I had many chances to interact with the BSW2016 attendees about discussion topics that they enjoyed, additional questions they wanted to ask, as well as suggested subjects for next year’s events. As an intellectual property business professional myself, I realized that I can begin addressing some of the questions raised without waiting for BSW2017. Thus I’ve decided to launch a new blog series called “What Should I Do” or, more simply, “WSID.”

Each post in the WSID series will cover a question I heard during BSW2016 or from friends and clients in the startup world in recent years. The intent of these posts is NOT to give legal advice — I hope that these posts will give you enough information so that you can ask specific and pointed questions of your intellectual property counsel.

Of course, I’m happy to take requests for additional topics that would be useful for early stage companies, as well as to answer follow-on questions. Feel free to reach out to me here on Medium or via Twitter (@PatentsIntegrat).

So, without further ado, here we go with WSID #1: “I have an innovative idea! What should I do?”



Yoriko Morita

Business/technology/legal strategist, passionate about intellectual property creation & transactions, supporter of startups, professional cellist, soccer mom.