The arrival of drone blockchain technology

3 min readMar 14, 2019


Follow the development of Artificial Intelligence(AI) technology, drones are playing an important role in military, agricultural, meteorological, resource of exploration, transportation and other fields in addition to aerial photography and games. The giant industries like Amazon,JD, SF and the others is already actively exploring the possibility of drone delivery

Try to make an imagine: when you open the eyes, drones serve for you the first cup of coffee in the morning; Turn on the TV, the drone is bringing you all-round multi-angle high-definition event broadcast; on the street, instead of human, drones is working for the high altitude cleaning or power inspection which dangerous work; At the night, drones makes the sins of the dark nowhere to hide. It’s possibly to see, drones will become a “service partner” who will gradually enter our lives.

The widespread use of drones is constrained by factors such as security threats and inadequate regulatory ways. Drone networks are vulnerable to various security attacks, including passive eavesdropping, data tampering, and falsification of identity. Uncontrolled drone flight may disrupt airspace order and pose a huge threat to civil aviation and residents’ safety. Therefore, the commercialization of drones not only needs to ensure the safety of the drone network, but also requires a safe and efficient control system.

PATHHIVE NETWORK, a Singapore drone blockchain company, is a provider of blockchain technology development and application solution. For the above-mentioned problems faced by the commercialization of drones, PATHHIVE NETWORK proposes the use of blockchain technology for drone registration, identification, security control, and paving the way for the commercialization of drone applications.

First, using the public blockchain(such as Ethereum) to creat a civil drone registration management system to solve the problem of the aftermath of the drone’s illegal flight incidents. Before the flight, the drone records the drone equipment and user’s information in the blockchain system, including the drone manufacturer, the logo of the drone, key technical parameters, etc., as well as the name and ID number of the user. Through the blockchain to ensure that information can not be forged, can not be falsified, for multi-party participation and supervision, providing a reliable legal basis for accountability and damage.

Second is to use the blockchain technology to construct a decentralized drone identity authentication system to provide machine-machine identification for drone application scenarios. In applications such as drone delivery and drone autonomous charging, the service must first verify the identity of the drone before delivery. When the nearby area is reached, the cryptographic signature is verified with the target object through near field communication, and access rights are provided. This process is completed through the transaction of the Ethereum blockchain.

The last is the drone security control based on smart contracts. Mainly to use smart contracts to assist in the compliance and supervision of drone flight behavior. Drones manufacturers, drone users, and regulatory agencies can restrict the behavior of drones through smart contracts, such as flying only on specific routes, not flying in rain or snow weather, and disabling camera functions in residential areas. Before the drone flies, input the flight destination, destination address and other information through the application. The application will pass these data and external parameters such as time, weather and location as input to the smart contract. The smart contract returns the result of the code execution to the drone control module, authorizing the legal module in the flight, thereby achieving the purpose of behavior constraint. At the same time, since the input and output of the smart contract are recorded in the blockchain, the process is completely transparent and visible, which also facilitates the supervision and tracking of the drone. Blockchain technology has accumulated a bold attempt and successful application in the future direction of drone clusters.




PATHHIVE NETWORK is AI-Powered Drone Control Platform Built on Three Blockchains. The PATHHIVE NETWORK will lead drones to “All New Airspace World”