[News] PATHHIVE NETWORK will participate in ‘STS & P 2018’.

3 min readDec 17, 2018


PATHHIVE NETWORK, drone integrated-control platform company, announced that they would participate in ‘STS & P 2018’.

More than 100 people in charge of procurement departments of the United Nations and procurement, technology, Investment and Official Development Assistance (ODA) from each countries will participate in International Exhibition and Conference, ‘STS & P 2018’ (Smart Technology for Sustainable Development & Procurement). It will be an opportunity for Korean companies to introduce their new technologies and innovative products to leaders of global procurement market, which is over 200 billion dollars.

PATHHIVE NETWORK, drone integrated-control platform company, announced that they would participate in ‘STS & P 2018’.

According to STS & P 2018 Organizing Committee (the Chairman of Organizing Committee, Song Young-gil), 2018 Smart Technology for Sustainable Development and Procurement Exhibition & Conference (STS & P 2018) will be held at KINTEX, Ilsan from 28th to 30th of this month.

The UN focus on developing technologies as tools for implementing the SDGs, and anticipate that they will create new industries and markets and change the demand for labor and capital. The uptake and deployment of smart technology for sustainable development will be facilitated greatly by an efficient international market for appropriate technology to support achievement of the SDGs.

STS&P 2018 will provide rare opportunities for all to learn from each other, find the right partners and business opportunities-both profit and nonprofit- in our pursuit of common goals through an exhibition which promotes learning about the SDGs and Climate Change, new technologies and profiling actual players in the community and markets. The Organizing Committee has the honor to invite all stakeholders -public and private, for international development, corporates, tech developers, financial and investment groups, civil societies, academia and young entrepreneurs- to assist and participate in this landmark exhibition and conference.

It will also be a platform for a variety of global organizations such as UN agencies, NGOs, ODA donor and recipient governments to share information and opinions regarding effective sustainable development, with the cooperation of UNOPS.

PATHHIVE NETWORK is a company that integrated blockchain technology with a drones flight control system for the first time in the world, and is developing an open platform for drones control that allows anyone to easily produce drones’ paths.
PATHHIVE NETWORK with Path Manager (Web-based path producing tool), enables efficient air traffic control by providing optimal AI path information in real-time and specializes in blockchain technology to encrypt paths information.
With full automatic control AI system and multi-encryption blockchain protocol, PATHHIVE NETWORK aims to realize safe flights of drones.

On 19th of this month, PATHHIVE NETWORK has already announced that they signed an MOU with LEJEL Group in Indonesia, and it is expected to strengthen their competitiveness in the global market.

PATHHIVE NETWORK said that “The control platform for drones (UAV) can be widely used as a smart technology for sustainable development, and it is expected that in this International Exhibition and Conference, as a company that meets the purpose of this event, we will make a big impression on procurement staff in each countries and eventually, it will lead to good results in the global procurement market of more than 200 billion dollars. ”

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PATHHIVE NETWORK is AI-Powered Drone Control Platform Built on Three Blockchains. The PATHHIVE NETWORK will lead drones to “All New Airspace World” pathhive.com