The Nature Of Tranquility

Patrick Graven
21 min readJan 1, 2024


There is a beautiful solitude in nature that gives us a clarity of mind that is free of all obstructions. To look straight ahead, where nature is leading us, through the things that happen to us, and our own nature, through our own actions. With naturally occurring things, the force that designed them is present within them and remains there. Place our well being in our own hands, keep the mind calm and to be aware and ready to make good use of whatever happens in our path.

The most beautiful moments in life are moments when we are expressing our joy and soul, not when we are seeking it. When we are joyous by our own nature, when we don’t have to do anything to be happy, then the very dimension of our life, the very way we perceive, experience our life and express ourselves in the world will change. Every moment there are a million miracles happening around us, a tree growing, a bird flying, a river flowing, the colours in the sky changing across the clouds. If we learn how to live it, life is nothing short of a daily miracle.

Always decide to make how we feel the number one priority in our life. This life is about how we focus and spend our energy. We influence our entire reality by changing our own vibration as our entire reality are a projection of our own consciousness. We all know that it is important to love ourselves, where we feel pain, is where we begin. Once we develop the freedom and willingness to feel and to grow, eventually our emotions will no longer frighten us, will learn to embrace them.

When we decide to commit our life to becoming the best version of ourselves that we can be, the universe stands in gratitude for us, because we carry the world into that new place with us. It is a universal truth that anything that we have the ability to desire, we have the ability to achieve. Consider that everything we do as the planting of a seed, for it will only grow as much as we help it to. We create our destiny, every thought, every feeling, every choice, every action.

There are certain things in life that are more worthy, more valuable than anything else, knowing how to help someone, supporting someone in times of need, how to be a friend, a warrior, a good human being, knowing what to do in certain situations, knowing how to do things that will make things better for ourselves and others, and it all starts with being completely honest. Truth is embedded in our heart, it is the reason why we do the things we do and the heart never lies in anything we do because you are always doing what you feel is truthful.

Start with being truthful, in everything we do and say. We cannot catch something we’re not pursuing. True humbleness, kindness, passion and truthfulness are the marks of great people. Those things will never be the cause of bad things happening. If we are not motivated to get started on something, emotionally connect with our goals and visions. If we visualise the feeling of reaching our goals and see it before us, it certainly will motivate us to push on further and make it way more easier to do so.

When we resist change, we resist life. To live by our own nature, the quality of our life depends on how well we manage our body, mind, emotions, thoughts, experiences and our life in general and the world. It’s time to regain ourselves, too many people have fallen in love with words and are lost in the world. The only thing that stands between us and our well being is a simple fact, we have allowed our thoughts and emotions to take instruction from the outside rather than the inside.

All things start to make more sense when we are actively working on them and when we are completely engaged in what we are doing. Our eyes are always in the direction of things we are interested in approaching. We all have the potential to be great at something, but it’s hard work and over time, that hard work turns into something great and meaningful. The things we’re interested in are the things that will direct us and guide us on our path. It matters not where we come from, it matters what we’re made of.

All that lives is in the course of change, ever part of us all will be appointed by change, for it is through the same process of change that we came to exist. All things are interwoven, and the bond that unites them is pure and sacred, hardly anything is remote from one another, for they have been made and ordered to form a common universe. For there is one universe made up of all this is and one nature that pervades all things, one truth, one reason, one soul common to all creatures of the same earth.

In the arena of human life, the virtues flourish in those who show their good qualities and character. The good of doing good is feeling good and thinking more good, reflecting more of its own time and time again. Good actions and efforts give strength to ourselves. We become what we do, everyday. True strength is about heart and passion, the true meaning of courage. All things become beautiful when minds and hearts are striving for goodness and progress. The wise know best to give things time.

The art of living is a serenity in itself, to live out our days content and present in our own way of life. The universal nature’s impulse was to create an orderly world, it follows that everything now happening must follow a reasonable sequence, remembrance of this will help us to face many things calmly. The spiritual abyss is something within ourselves, found on the journey of getting to know ourselves through the life we all create. To know that our reality is our own creation. It’s not the length of our lives that matter, it’s the depth and meaning of it all.

We do what we can in life until our destiny is revealed. What we will leave behind will not be engraved in stone monuments, but woven into the hearts of others. Our wisdom in life consists not of the knowledge we already have, but of the continual search for knowledge and progress, which is the highest form of all wisdom. Where there’s growth, there’s progress, and where there’s progress, there is change, and that is vital for life.

If someone is to live, they must be all alive, body, soul, mind, heart, spirit, that is the essence of living. Every moment and every event of our life on earth plants something in our soul. Once someone has reached enlightenment in one thing, they will have an enlightened mind and understanding of many things, for the very thing that is most important is the growth with one’s very soul every second of every day to accomplish one’s aim.

The dawn of freedom and love is to let all be perfectly itself. Let everything be allowed to be what it naturally does, so that its own nature will be satisfied. When we become one with nature on the path of freedom, naturally we learn to accept everything for what it is and be one with the mountains, lakes and rivers. Life can either disintegrate or it can come together stronger in proportion to one’s awareness and one’s courage. For without courage and awareness, we cannot do anything consistently over time.

There is one light of the sun, even though shadowed by the clouds and mountains, there is one common substance, even though it is divided into countless individual bodies, each with its own particular qualities. Reflect on the rapidity with which all that exists and is coming to be is swept past us and disappears from sight. For substances like a river in perpetual flow and its activities are ever changing and its causes infinite in their variations. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is seen through the eyes of our soul.

Constantly think of the universe as a living being, comprised of a single soul, for there is a stream of things entering into being. To see the things of the present moment is to see all that is now. All that has been since the birth of time and all that shall be unto the world’s end, for all things are of one kind and one form. Think often of the bond that unites everything in the universe and their dependence upon one another. Realise that every living thing is connected to one another.

A peaceful life consists in the tranquillity of mind and soul, so the things that have regularly come into our being will continue to come into being in the same manner, they will grow and flourish so far as each is allowed by nature itself. The contentment of our life depends on the quality of our thoughts and feelings as one. Everything flows and nothing abides, nature gives way and nothing stays the same. The way we see ourselves, shapes our view of the world.

The heart of the individual eternally hungers for the essence of genuine being, and that the willingness to take on that responsibility is the same to the decision to live a meaningful life. If we pay attention, when we are seeking something, we will move towards our goal, more importantly, we will acquire the information that allows our goal itself to transform. It regulates our emotions, our motivational states and determines our thoughts. Our spirit walks with the body.

Tranquility consists in the good ordering of the mind. If we try to adapt our mind to the regular sequence of changes and accept the inevitable with good grace, our life will proceed quite smoothly and harmoniously. For they who are afraid of pain will also be afraid of some of the beautiful things that will happen in the world. The tranquility that comes when we listen to our own soul, that freedom, in what we feel, think and what we do. Such as are our habitual thoughts, such also will be the character of our mind.

To live a meaningful life, it is only going to be as meaningful as the amount of responsibility that we are willing to take on. It’s difficult, but if we take responsibility and move towards the pain willingly, then we can transcend it and get to a place where we are progressing and feeling better in our life, that’s why we should love it, it’s worth the difficulty. The meaning of it all is only activated when proceeding towards a goal that we value. What we most want to find will be discovered where we least want to look. By becoming courageous, we increase our potential for being virtuous.

Anytime we delve into something new, we will learn valuable lessons. Once the will is resolved, one’s spirit is strengthened. It is good to face challenges in our path, for they who have never suffered will not learn and grow naturally. The spiritual aspect of valor is evidenced by composure, the calm presence of mind. To always have an attitude towards life that consists of the passion and essence to strive to be better and make spirituality as the path to achieve greatness.

There is one sky, which is all ours together. When we are young we hold onto hope, but as we grow up more and experience life, nothing will save us any more than ourselves and our strength and passion for making things better in any way we can. Of all the wilderness of the land and the sea, the wildest is still in our own nature. Whatever a person’s actions are, such must be their strength of love and spirit. Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes, let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they are meant to be.

There is a pattern in creation, if we look at the tree outside whose roots search beneath the ground for water, even our own selves seek to what we need to stay alive, the inner forces that drive us to take action in our lives, we can see that we all move to the music of life and the waves of change. The basic laws of the universe are simple, and because our senses are limited, we can only grasp so much. Peace is our safety, identify with it and realise that we are content.

To know ourselves, we must be the master of our own kingdom. Be the philosopher at heart and the person of action. To always gain wisdom along our journey, have our eyes open so we can see and have our hands ready for whatever may happen. Set our sights at the good and what is true, and then focus pointedly and carefully on the concerns of each moment that we have in our life. We must each adopt as much responsibility as possible for individual life and for the world we live in.

When we carve out time on a daily basis to reflect, think about what matters and what we truly want to do, we will be rewarded with better instinct, character, insight and wisdom. When we actually have a clear vision of what we want, we can have it, all we have to do is know exactly what we want and move towards that goal and act on it, so we orient our life in such a way that our efforts that we put in will allow it to develop but we have to be deadly serious about what it is we are pursuing.

Freedom is the open sky through which pours the light of the human spirit. Embrace it, rise in love with its constant growth and stream of change from where it all flows from, the open heart, to live in a way that enhances peace and the freedom of others. The journey is valuable, with many challenges along the way but believing in ourselves and just being ourselves naturally can carve a beautiful path ahead for better days. To feel with meaning, to live with feeling.

For as long as we are alive and living, we are growing. For we are changing and constantly learning from each and every day. Let our past be our own soil and let each day be the water and sunlight for us to grow, it’s a process of continuing growth, a cycle of change for ones own development. By changing what we cling to in the present, we can alter the future. Refine our personality, be free to live the life that we want to live by making choices and apply what we want to do.

To stand up straight with our with eyes wide open and accept the responsibility of life. We must determine where we are going in our life, because we cannot get there unless we move in that direction. Don’t tolerate being overwhelmed beyond our capacity to cope while we are learning what we still need to know, as we need to place one foot in what we have mastered and the other in what we are currently exploring and mastering.

We must always adapt to every situation and everything that happens along the way. To be ready and free to make changes and to take action when it is needed. To focus on every task and goal that needs to be done but adaptable so if anything may happen, are ready to improvise in that situation. We must be free and flowing, but not to go with the flow, but to become the flow itself and the only way to do that is to carve the path ahead, for action is the depth of the flow.

The universe itself works in such a way as it is a mirror of our self. One of the most important and valuable lessons in the universe is that we get what we put in, and that goes with everything, the results always show, so what we get from our efforts is what we have given from our efforts. The energy that goes into whatever it is that we are directing our time and energy into, that develops from there, because life develops what it demands, if there are no demands, nothing will develop.

One must have courage in the world, it is the soil for ones strength and ability. The best thing we can do for ourselves is take action and always face whatever it is that needs to be faced. One can’t sail for new horizons until they have the strength to leave behind the shores of the past. If we always remember why we started, keep that in our mind and our heart all the time, that spark of courage inside, and those hard times won’t feel quite so hard. Confront the oceans of life, for they hold the depths of us.

The more we endure, the better we become, because every action has a purpose, and when every action has a purpose, every action has a result. Always be willing to get up and go at it again and again and again, for that’s the person who has their hands raised later in life, because that was the person with dreams and goals. We are what we do repeatedly, because today it begins, tomorrow it continues and it never ends, until we reach our goals.

This is our world, we are the creators, find the freedom and the meaning and make something worth doing so it will live on. To make the world a better place, first we must do the things we have to do everyday. Work as hard as we possibly can on at least one thing everyday and see what happens from that. Where there’s growth, there’s progress, and where there’s progress, there is change. To be grateful in spite of our suffering and pain, that is the soil for our own growth.

To be truly here in the present, we have to bring the body to the mind, and the mind back to the body. The earth is beautiful, for we have beauty within us and see it that way. When we are able to find tranquility within ourselves, it is found everywhere on our journey. Our movement is like that of water, our stillness like that of the sky, the beauty of all the colours of our own creation. The path is as the shining light, that shine rays of life into our days.

Learn from life and from nature, from people and from yourself. Every single being every single day teaches us something equally as valuable as anybody else. That which we must learn to do, we learn by doing. To a wise being, the whole earth is open, for the nature of a good soul is the whole earth, moon and stars. The world us humans perceive is the real world. We learn about nature through use of the senses and what can be learned from our perceptions. In all things of nature there is something of beauty.

Life is absolute change and growth, and we have to be adaptable to whatever may happen. To do what feels right for ourselves, to follow the combination of our head and our heart. For our intuition is important and our experience is just as important if not more, that balance, of actual hard work and understanding to use our experiences to move forward with the work, because we are on our own in the process, so we must do what needs to be done reach the next stage of progress, that is all part of the process.

Live and stay in the present, it’s what our heart needs to stay alive. The real key to enlightenment is every so often, to remind ourselves that we are alive, we woke up today, not everyone in the world made it through the night to see another day. Everyone will have hard times but they will always wake us up to the things we weren’t paying attention to. We are changing and growing for as long as we are aware of life. Everything we see and feel is connected.

Always focus on mindfulness, to know how to observe and recognise the presence of every feeling and thought that arises in us. If we want to know our own mind, there is only one way, to observe, reflect and be aware of ourselves. For the softest things in the world overcome the hardest things in the world. Being active and productive come from our mental clarity and progress from directing in our higher natures, which originate in the primal depths of ourselves and the universe.

To a mind that is still, the entire universe awaits. When we have inner wisdom and insight, we use our soul and eyes to touch the heart of things. For we are made by the same drops that we see in the great ocean. We value what is within the sphere of our understanding and realise how dependent we are on what is beyond it. When the mind is tranquil, it becomes a mirror of the universe and the reflection of all things. In the midst of darkness, we see the light of dawn, in the midst of silence, we alone hear harmony echoing from within our own souls.

For we are beings, in search of meaning. Every day we wake up with the gift of breath and the opportunity to really live with heart. To make the best use of what’s in our power and take everything else as it happens. The strong are those who have the clearest sight of what is before them and go to meet it as it is. We are united by the same nature, the same emotions and the same visions. How immense are the hardships we all face to obtain strength to carry on our path.

Always believe that life is worth living, and our belief and what we create will make our life better. If a thing consists of love, it will forever be eternal. What we have now was once only imagined, as the path of freedom leads us all to the shores of light and the ocean of depth. Everything we say will echo into another day, everything we feel is a mirror of what is real, everything we’ll ever do will shine through.

May our back always be to the winds and our face to the sun, and may the wings of freedom open our eyes to better days ahead. Everyone needs what nature gives, when nature gives it and allows us to grasp it all in its own time. When facing anything in life, realise that whatever it may be, it is happening now and the chance for progress and growth is always alive, for things to change, always happen on the events of a single day. Adversity makes us all remember a thing called strength.

In our way of life, we reveal what kind of people we are. We are on this earth to live, in this little space that may open our hearts and eyes to see and feel, to live and give, to grasp the beams of love and goodness while we still can. There’s only one place of the universe we can be certain of improving and discovering and that’s our own self. Life is nothing until it is truly lived, for it is ours to make sense of and the meaning of it is nothing other than what we all choose.

Strength and love are often eclipsed but never vanish, as the tribulations of life come and go, much like the passing clouds, but behind it all, is the same sky with the same colours of life we’ve always known. The more we take the time, the more we see the truth in our lives and what matters to us all. It is not always easy for us to witness the struggles, pain and hardships in our life, but at the end of it all perhaps, we come to know more about ourselves and what’s within our own souls.

The things that nature denies to human sight, are revealed to the eyes of the soul. The main understanding is that peace is found in the depth and quality of our relationship with ourselves. Our destiny, whatever it is to be, will be overcome by patience and time. Whatever may happen, never yield to obstacles, but advance more strongly with wisdom and courage to meet them, as our heart lets us. The safest hope is in our character and in what we give to life. It is always in season for all of us to live and learn until our dying days.

Look into life and into others as though into a mirror, as a reflection. Diversity and adversity reminds us all of our own strength and courage to keep going and to keep living. The real power behind whatever success we have now was something we once found within ourselves, that spark inside of us all, the inner flame of change, something that’s in all of us. In our dreams and our way of life, a little piece of beauty is just waiting to be discovered, everyday. There is nothing permanent except change.

The beginning of reflection, an awareness of one’s own mental fitness and purity. To adapt ourselves to the life we live and truly love the present with what destiny has surrounded us with. Everyone gets one life, use it wisely and live with meaning and feeling. Before long, nature, which controls it all, will alter everything we see and use it as material for something else time and time again, so that the world is continually renewed. All things are changing and we ourselves are in continuous change with the universal cycle.

Everything in our lives is formed by nature to change for that is the cycle of life. Always look for the best and be prepared for the opposite, as anything can happen in life at any given time. The universal way of life and changes are nothing but different expressions of a common underlying principle. For just because a thing seems difficult, never think it impossible for anyone to accomplish with time and with effort. Those with strong mental dispositions can tolerate the extremes and hardships, as they have experience with life itself.

There are two kinds of light, the glow that illumines, and the glare that obscures. Be the light that illuminates others and help them shine from inside their hearts, that’s where the love is. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions, so we have to know how to think, how to act, how to be as well as being ourselves truthfully. We are responsible for who we are and what we will do.

In whatever good we do, we must direct our focus and energies to it, so that it shall bloom and be in harmony. We should discipline ourselves in the small things, and from there, progress to things of greater value. Never waste what remains of our life by focusing on things that will not matter in our future. A wise being is to live each day with honesty, courage, freedom, compassion, love and with strength. Remember this, that there is a proper dignity and proportion to be observed in the performance of every act of life.

A person’s worth is measured by the worth of what they value. Look well into our self, for there is the source of love, strength, meaning and courage which will always be there when we seek. The universe is full of beautiful things, patiently waiting for us to discover them, all in our own time. The bloom of our brief life flies far away, while we are calling for peace and harmony, old age is upon us, the truth of happiness is freedom, and that of freedom, courage. To express the most difficult matters clearly and intelligently is to shine through like a ray of light from the sun.

Everyone’s life is lived within the present, for the past is spent and done with, and the future is uncertain. To understand the true quality of people, we must look into their heart and mind, and examine their dreams and way of life. A person’s life is coloured by their values, actions and way of life. What doesn’t transmit light creates its own darkness. For our days are numbered with the sun and moon, use them to open the windows of our soul to the sun, if we do not, the sun will soon set, and us with it.

Let our heart be like the oceans waves, with a flowing depth, dissolved as they wash ashore and form again by the winds of change. We must feel the darkness to give the light, to truly be ourselves freely and live our lives. To flow with life as it will and stay real by accepting things as they are, let all things in nature take their course. As pure as water, it is clear and tranquil when there is stillness on the surface and when there is depth in the heart of its nature. Realise that the essence of our being is the same form as the mountains, rivers, the earth, the sun, the moon and stars.

In the realm of solitude, days of darkness and nights of light, thoughts that morph and celestial skies. A glance of clarity for whom the sun of the human nature is temporarily eclipsed. There are signs that we have gone farther, higher to the depths, like a flower in growth. In all this clarity, we begin to observe, perceive everything as it is and we realise the real meaning of reflection, to see a glimpse of our own shadow in the light of the dark, like bright colours of our eyes looking out into the world only to realise we are looking deep within ourselves.

Reflect on everything in nature, a flower for instance, give it enough light, nutrition and air that it needs so it can grow. People can flourish and grow too, though unlike nature, we make choices for ourselves, we decide what we want to do and be. A person’s entire life consists of nothing more than one moment piled on top of another, over and over again. Everything flows and nothing stays the same. Reflect on how all things change and constantly attend to its cycle.

We must have depth in our heart to embrace all of the colours of life and to come alive. To become again like the spark that ignites the flame and the drop that deepens the ocean to our being. Realise that the sun will always rise at sunrise, the stars will always be there in the sky, the moon will be the shining light of twilight and love will always be born and remain from inside. In our heart are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from us.

When we arise in the morning, reflect on all the good that is in our life and all we can make better, in our way of thinking, in our actions and in how we live each day. Dwell on the beauty of life, the gifts from nature and the seeds of beauty that are born in our heart.

Patrick Graven



Patrick Graven

I'm from Ireland. Creativity is my passion. I spend my time being creative with music and writing. Embrace change, but hold onto your values.