#WalkingBoston -A Marathon in Every Boston Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain Part 1The #WalkingBoston journey continues on Friday, 10/28. ‘Jamaica Plain Part 1’ leaves from the Jamaica Pond Boat House at 8am sharp. Early…Oct 26, 2022Oct 26, 2022
Viewing this plaque in Hyde Park, MA was such a fitting way to end my 13.48-mileOct 17, 2022Oct 17, 2022
#WalkingBoston — Patrick Maguire #ServerNotServant, organized by Patrick MaguireIt is extremely humbling to ask for financial support to fulfill a dream. Publishing my book, ‘I’m Your Server, Not Your Servant,’ [A…Oct 14, 2022Oct 14, 2022
‘Rules’ of Engagement in Civilized Society Include Restaurants by Dee Wolf-The Lobster Shanty…Today’s post by my friend, Dee Wolf, Chef/owner of The Lobster Shanty and Wolf Next Door Coffee in Salem, MA first appeared in my Server…Jan 20, 2022Jan 20, 2022
Anniversary of January 6, 2021-Donald Trump & Cult45’s Attack on America and DemocracyNever Forget. I posted the following on Facebook on the night of January 6, 2021:Jan 6, 2022Jan 6, 2022
#ServerNotServant New Year MessageThank you for following and supporting the Server Not Servant blog, advocating for frontline service industry workers. Everyone who has…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
Listen to Facts, Science & Experts: Shut it all Down, Now, America.It’s time to take the guesswork out of the equation and shut all non-essential businesses down, now. Yes, that includes dine-in…Mar 15, 2020Mar 15, 2020
Is Lobbyist ROC United’s ONE FAIR WAGE Really FAIR for All Workers?There are several updates since Part 1 of this series examining the tipped minimum wage and ‘tip credit’ legislation impacting American…Aug 6, 2018Aug 6, 2018
Saru Jayaraman, Fekkak Mamdough, ROC United Leadership & Members: Is ONE FAIR WAGE really FAIR for…It’s complicated. And the mainstream media isn’t digging deep enough and challenging the loose narratives being employed by ROC United to…May 6, 2018May 6, 2018