Oil Wars & Tactical Nukes Help BigBanks; Economic Sanctions Kill Women & Children…

Paul Magee Berry
5 min readApr 1, 2020


The leaders of Britain, France and Germany have all joined the Trump administration now, in blaming Iran for the recent missile attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil fields.

We reported on the oil field bombings and pointed out a curious “coincidence”: the week before the bombings took place, finance experts were saying that the Saudi’s strength in the global marketplace was weakening. It‘s due to the current glut of global oil — and falling oil prices. Ironically(?), after the bombings, the oil glut was erased and oil prices are now quickly recovering.

That’s a two-for-one Big Win for the US-led Corporatocracy, because the strength of the US dollar is based on the petrodollar system. And the more oil that Saudis sell in US dollars, the more profits for BigBanks. PLUS the Corporatocracy gets an excuse to escalate war with Iran which has refused the petrodollar system.

As Mint Press News reports (@MintPressNews), US warmongering with both Iran and Venezuela is all about their refusal to be forced into the petrodollar system by BigBanks. In the first half of this year, the Trump administration was claiming that Venezuela President, Nicolas Maduro had committed election fraud in his re-election.

Independent journalists like Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) believe that Trump’s team was just making the accusation to try and destabilize the Maduro administration. They wanted to gain access to Venezuela’s oil rich reserves- the largest in the world. The leaders of Britain, France and Germany all openly supported Trump’s rhetoric against Maduro. But after months of failed attempts to escalate the situation, Trump’s team turned their sights on Iran…

Since May, Trump’s team has been escalating various claims against Iran- first claiming that Iran had “sabotaged” four oil tankers, which Iran denied. Then in June, the US military flew a drone near Iranian air space. And the Iranian military shot it down with a surface- to- air missile. In July, the US Navy claimed to have shot down an Iranian drone flying too close to its ship. But Iran denied the loss of a drone, suggesting that the US Navy must have shot down its own drone by mistake. And when the Saudi oil fields were bombed earlier this month, both the US and Saudis immediately blamed Iran. Even though Yemeni rebels, who are at war with the Saudis, had claimed responsibility for the attacks. And though Iran denied any involvement in the attacks.

As tensions continue to escalate, now with France, Germany, and the UK supporting Trump’s posturing against Iran, Iran, Russia and China have just announced plans for a joint naval exercise in the region. That’s not a good sign…

Independent Media group, the Journal of Atomic Scientists warns that Trump’s team is likely planning to use tactical nuclear weapons if they succeeded in provoking a military confrontation with Iran. And given the Trump administration’s fragile relations with China and Russia, a limited nuclear strike by the US against Iran could lead to catastrophic consequences for world peace.

Princeton University has developed a computer simulation that shows how a nuclear war might escalate if Russia was drawn in to such a conflict. The simulation predicts that over 90 million people would be killed or injured within just a few hours of conflict…

As mentioned at the top of the show, all this war-mongering against Iran has followed failed attempts at warmongering with Venezuela. And as indie journos Mint Press News(@MintPressNews), Lee Camp (@LeeCamp), and others have reported– all that warmongering is about forcing those countries onto the petrodollar system to profit BigBanks.

“What’s left unsaid,” as indie news outlet, Jacobin Magazine reports, is that the Trump administration has imposed crippling economic sanctions on both Iran and Venezuela, preventing their ability to import food and medicines, and creating “widespread human misery” among the civilian populations in those countries. Thousands of innocent civilians in Iran- and tens of thousands in Venezuela– have already died as a result of these sanctions.

When our leaders make such claims as Secretary of State Pompeo has, that “IRAN MUST LISTEN TO US IF THEY WANT THEIR PEOPLE TO EAT”, what he’s effectively saying is that we will slowly kill your women and children until you give us what we want.

How is this not evil?
Or at the very least, “war crimes”? It’s barbaric. And all to further enrich and empower the wealthy elites of the Corporatocracy.

Make no mistake– these are the same wealthy elites we’ve been hearing about all week, who are driving our planet to the brink of climate catastrophe. The same elites who maintain America’s disease for profit food system to profit from our own suffering and death. The same elites who have manufactured a fake “War on Drugs” to fill their For-profit prisons. And the same elites who have transformed America’s representative democracy into a corporate plutocracy.

It’s all connected… As Pulitzer-prize journalist and author Chris Hedges (@ChrisLynnHedges) wrote earlier this week, “The ruling elites and the corporations they serve are the principal obstacles to change. They cannot be reformed. And this means revolution….Power has to be transferred into our hands. And since the elites won’t give up power willingly, we will have to take it through nonviolent action.”

As we have said, the only real power we have in this corporate plutocracy is mass organized boycott. If you want to learn how all of us in the work of Global Justice can join together — in strategic boycott– and force this corporatocracy to the people’s bargaining table, to end all this oppression, war mongering and corruption, and to save our planet– please check out our ABOUT Page and listen to our first podcast. And if you would like to get involved, please fill out our “Join Us” form at the top/right of this page. We’d love to hear from you. Thanks.



Paul Magee Berry

Paul has been a full-time activist for Animal Justice since 1991. Over that time, he has worked as undercover cruelty investigator, CEO, and executive coach for