Face Your Fears!

2 min readFeb 5, 2020

Have you ever been so scared that you had no choice but to walk right towards it? Have you ever feel like it is impossible for you to reach your goal because you have the fear of failure?

The UFC in Beijing brought back a lot of memories for me.

I can still feel it. Standing behind the curtain, sweat running down my face, hands tapped so tight that they feel indestructible. My heart is racing and I am just trying to pace my breathing.

You can hear the fans cheering and the drunks yelling.

Wtf am I doing? Can I just go home?

Seriously this was a bad decision.

There is a chill in the air like a crisp winter morning. I’m trying to control it but this is the worst part, worse than all the beatings I took in training. This is why people back out of fights, it’s terrifying.

Then it happens, its something primal. Your song comes on and the smoke machine starts pouring it in. The curtain opens and you step towards your biggest fear.

No turning back now. Let’s go!

Everything just goes away. It’s so simple and beautiful.

You just get so focused in the moment, lost in it.

When you face your fears you realize that it’s not that bad. But it’s not going to be easy.

You have to really want that goal.

Then you just have to keep moving forward and it will work out one way or another.

P.S. I miss my abs…

On this note, here are other blogs I recommend you to read where I give unsolicited real advice about life when things don’t turn out the way you want it to be.

P.S. If you’re wanting to grow your academy, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.




Best Selling Author, International Speaker, Advisor and BJJ World Champion. http://paulhalme.com