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Before publishing your app on Google Play, just read this one piece of ASO advice

Paul Medrano


In the Play Store, your application ID (quite often named package name) is your app unique identifier, the one that completes the store listing URL, such as com.example.myapp in the following URL:

This application ID is, for the moment, as important for ASO as a domain name was a few years ago for SEO.

So, here’s my advice: choose your Application ID wisely

Not quite sure?

Search for ‘katana’ in the Play Store. You will find Facebook ranking #19 (in US). Now take a look at their application ID… (if you wonder why ‘katana’, here is the story behind it)

Still not sure, just search for a random keyword and explore the results. You will most likely notice this one app in the top 10 with little downloads and poor rating - well, take a look at their app ID.

And agree, this advice won’t do miracles, but will clearly help as much — and maybe more (x1,5) — as your app title will.

What to do?

Select your one (or two) keyword(s)

Most probably, you already know it. Just insert it inside the app ID. Search for that keyword on the Play Store and check all the application ID for the ranked apps. Look also at your competitors, it will certainly inspire you or reveal new keywords.

Double check the related trends for that keywords as well as the volume and competition (through SensorTower, AppTweak or MobileAction). Keep in mind for that case: the more the better.

Don’t bother adding localization of your keyword if you target different territories. Google seems to handle this pretty well.

But don’t spam it

Not that it is a problem right now, but this will certainly be corrected by Google at some point. You don’t want to be penalized by an algorithm update, not now nor in 5 years.

And don’t look for keywords that won’t match your app. As for SEO or PPC, Google is taking into consideration your app conversion rate (# of listing views / # of installers). The lower your conversion rate the harder it will be for it to rank. Logic: this is an obvious indicator that your app addresses a relevant solution to one’s pain.

Keeping it clean VS. adding keywords

If you want to have a clean application ID as Instagram, Whatsapp or Snapchat, sure, just keep it simple. Your package name will look awesome to us, your ASO fellows, once you reach your 1st million MAU; this is maybe the way to grow a unicorn.


  • Discoverability is a key factor for a new app
  • Keyword in an application ID will rank with no efforts
  • Application ID cannot be changed

Here is a simple action:

Choose your application ID wisely BEFORE you post your app

