Day6&7 — Reboot

Paul Gaumer
1 min readJun 7, 2016


Monday and Tuesday were dedicated to a reboot. After common lessons on Regex and Parsing (including popular data structures like JSON, CSV and XML), people had the choice between working on exercises on these topics or exercises reviewing all the notions seen last week. As these notions are essential to understand coding principles, I decided to attend the reboot and make sure every single point was now clear.

The exercises were actually pretty fun, from creating a basic calculator to simulating a horse-race betting system or building a wishlist scrapping data from e-commerce websites. This allowed us to play with a new Gem (Nokogiri) to parse URL elements more easily.


I finally clearly understood what an API really was : an easy access to the data structuring a website and the possibility to read it, store it and initiate actions from it. Scraping methods can literally act like vacuum machines and get impressive amounts of data. Makes you start thinking about internet security problematics.

Tomorrow will be the first lesson about objects and OOP. Big program !



Paul Gaumer

Marketer passionate about digital innovation and creative products. Co-founded and running Le Wagon Tokyo, teaching awesomeness creation through code.