Engineering Manager Playbook: Coaching Underperformers to Success

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4 min readMar 8, 2024

After a couple of years, I’ve noticed a recurring trend of underperformers within my team. I’ve dedicated myself to supporting them, and along the way, I’ve gained invaluable lessons that I’m eager to share with you

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Effective coaching of underperformers is not just a managerial duty; it’s a strategic investment in the success of your team and organization. Neglecting to address underperformance can lead to detrimental consequences, both for the individual and the team as a whole. In this article, we’ll explore why coaching underperformers is relevant, what happens when it’s neglected, and how it impacts you and your team.

Why it is sooooo relevant

Coaching underperformers is relevant because it directly impacts the overall performance and success of your team. By identifying and addressing underperformance early on, you can prevent it from escalating and negatively affecting team morale, productivity, and outcomes. Additionally, investing in the growth and development of individual team members contributes to a culture of continuous improvement and fosters a sense of trust and loyalty within the team.

What Happens When Neglected

When underperformance is neglected, it can have far-reaching consequences for both the individual and the team. On an individual level, neglecting to address underperformance can lead to decreased confidence, motivation, and job satisfaction. It may also result in increased stress and frustration as the individual struggles to meet expectations without support or guidance. For the team, neglecting underperformance can erode trust, collaboration, and morale, leading to decreased productivity, missed deadlines, and increased turnover. Ultimately, unchecked underperformance can undermine the overall success and effectiveness of the team and organization.

How it Affects You and Your Team

As an engineering manager, neglecting to coach underperformers not only impacts the individuals directly involved but also affects you and your entire team. It can create a culture of complacency and mediocrity, where subpar performance is tolerated rather than addressed. This can breed resentment among high-performing team members who may feel that their efforts are not being recognized or rewarded. Additionally, unresolved underperformance can create bottlenecks and dependencies that hinder team progress and innovation. Ultimately, by neglecting to coach underperformers, you jeopardize the success and cohesion of your team and limit its potential for growth and success.


  1. Do foster open communication: Create an environment where underperformers feel safe to discuss their challenges and seek assistance without fear of retribution.
  2. Do provide specific feedback: Offer constructive feedback that focuses on behaviors or actions, highlighting areas for improvement and providing actionable suggestions for growth.
  3. Do set clear expectations: Clearly articulate performance expectations, goals, and timelines to provide a roadmap for improvement and accountability.
  4. Do offer support and resources: Provide underperformers with the necessary tools, training, and resources to enhance their skills and overcome obstacles.
  5. Do tailor coaching approaches: Recognize that each individual is unique and may respond differently to coaching techniques. Adapt your approach to meet the specific needs and preferences of the underperformer.
  6. Do provide opportunities for growth: Offer opportunities for skill development, mentorship, and challenging assignments to help underperformers expand their capabilities and reach their potential.
  7. Do celebrate progress: Acknowledge and celebrate incremental improvements and successes to reinforce positive behaviors and motivate continued growth.
  8. Do lead by example: Demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement and growth, serving as a role model for the behaviors and attitudes you wish to instill in your team.
  9. Do maintain confidentiality: Respect the privacy and confidentiality of underperformers, ensuring that sensitive information shared during coaching sessions remains confidential.
  10. Do follow up regularly: Schedule regular check-ins to monitor progress, provide ongoing support, and adjust coaching strategies as needed to ensure sustained improvement.


  1. Don’t blame or criticize: Avoid assigning blame or criticizing underperformers for their shortcomings. Instead, focus on addressing the underlying issues and supporting them in finding solutions.
  2. Don’t make assumptions: Avoid making assumptions about the reasons for underperformance. Take the time to listen and understand the individual’s perspective before drawing conclusions.
  3. Don’t ignore the problem: Address underperformance promptly and proactively rather than ignoring or minimizing it. Delaying action can lead to further deterioration and negative impacts on team morale and productivity.
  4. Don’t micromanage: Resist the urge to micromanage underperformers or dictate every step of their improvement process. Trust them to take ownership of their growth journey while providing guidance and support.
  5. Don’t focus solely on weaknesses: While it’s essential to address areas of weakness, also recognize and leverage the underperformer’s strengths and talents to support their development and boost confidence.
  6. Don’t compare to others: Avoid comparing underperformers to their peers or making unfavorable comparisons that may undermine their self-esteem and motivation.
  7. Don’t skip documentation: Document coaching sessions, performance discussions, and improvement plans to maintain a record of progress and ensure accountability.
  8. Don’t neglect team dynamics: Consider the impact of underperformance on team dynamics and morale, and address any concerns or conflicts that may arise as a result.
  9. Don’t rush the process: Recognize that performance improvement takes time and patience. Avoid expecting overnight transformations and instead focus on incremental progress and continuous learning.
  10. Don’t give up: Persevere in your efforts to coach underperformers to success, even in the face of setbacks or challenges. With patience, persistence, and support, positive change is possible.

And before we wrap up — coaching underperformers is not just a managerial task; it’s a critical component of effective leadership and team management. By recognizing the relevance of coaching underperformers, understanding the consequences of neglecting it, and acknowledging how it affects you and your team, you can take proactive steps to address underperformance and unlock the full potential of your team. Investing in the growth and development of individual team members not only improves performance and outcomes but also fosters a culture of trust, collaboration, and continuous improvement.




Engineering Manager | Mentor | Cloud Certified