Top 10 quizzes on C++ and C#

Pauline Al
6 min readSep 2, 2022

What’s about your С++ and С# skills? I bet you feel like measuring your hard skills once in a while. And there are several ways to do that: get a job finally or test your knowledge with various games and quizzes (no, it’s not just for the lulz, it’s also about your personal development and self-improvement!). Btw, quizzes actually help keep your brain sharp and apply acquired knowledge in the future (but some quizzes here are truly just for fun :)).

I brought you various (and certainly the most curious) quizzes on С++ and С#. So, I can assure you that all quizzes here are safe for health, and you can even try them. Anyway, be ready to challenge yourself.

С++ quizzes

N1. С++ beginner quiz — C++ Programming Quiz for Beginners — 20 Questions (

Even if you are just entering the C++ world, it’s always good to check yourself and to be aware of your newly acquired skills. That’s why we need quizzes. Tests of this kind do not only help you understand some possible knowledge gaps, but also help you learn something new, since you see the correct answers and your mistakes at the end.

N2. A hodgepodge of Cpp quizzes — Top 150+ C++ Quiz Questions and Answers 2020–2021–1 (

On this website you can easily find several different C++ quizzes (at least 10!) to your taste. It’s worth noting that all quizzes here are really quite diverse, and some of them require not only your hard skills, but also some general info on the language. If you want to answer questions against the clock, don’t forget to click on the Online Test button. Btw, every C++ quiz on this website provides answers. But don’t peek at them too often, okay?

N3. How good are you at code review? — PVS-Studio C++ quiz (

This quiz is nothing like the previous ones, it’s much more clickable. Here you can try to spot the error in code. You’re given 10 random code fragments. The true challenge — you only have 60 seconds to click on the bug you found. But don’t worry, the code fragments are short, so the quiz is truly just for fun. Play code review and see if you can find errors in someone else’s code.

N4. Competition mode — — Quiz “2urno” (

Here’s another C++ quiz, however, a bit more competitive than others. Okay, everything is not that bad, you can view hints to the questions if you’re stumped (but hints, as well as the wrong answers, reduce your max score!). A huge library of constantly updated questions of various difficulty levels allows you not only to take the quiz, but also to prepare for the real quiz fight in the training mode (so you could boast about your score on Twitter).

N5. C++ quizzes on various topics — C++ Online Quiz Test_(

On this website you will find a plenty of C++ quizzes of different levels and on various topics. This is particularly helpful if you are learning a programming language step by step and want to test your knowledge of a certain topic, for example, Arrays or Operators. Yes, these quizzes are more like school tests, but they’re obviously helpful enough to systemize your knowledge.

С# quizzes

Man shall not live by C++ alone. If you’re a C# developer and you’re still here, you’re welcome to discover C# quizzes.

N1. Customized quiz on C# and .NET — C# and .NET tricky questions_(

Yes, in this quiz you can’t click on answers against time and enjoy the score you get. But this one is special, since it’s rather a compilation of the most tricky and non-typical C# and .NET questions. Some of the questions were written by the author, other questions do seem like to have been taken from real job interviews. That’s why this quiz is definitely worth checking.

N2. Almost an exam, but a trivia quiz — C# Programming Exam: Trivia Quiz! (

Don’t be scared, this one is just a quite comprehensive 40 question test on C#. It’s a quiz, not an exam (honestly). This kind of quizzes are useful both to consolidate your theoretical background and to practice your understanding of the C# logic. Btw, the website mechanics provides an opportunity to immediately see the correct answers and then enjoy your score in a website’s top of the results or in your certificate of achievement (cringe, but the website has one) …

N3. Try yourself in code review (again, but on C#) — PVS-Studio: C# quiz (

Traditional code review quiz, but now for average C# enjoyers. The rules are exactly the same: 10 random code fragments from various open-source projects, 60 seconds for each answer and you’re one on one with tricky bugs. Face the challenge and try to beat static code analyzers. But remember that it’s not an exam, but a curious attention game.

N4. Comfy exercises to master your C# skills — C# Exercises (

Grab warm milk and cookies, this quiz is so cozy and relaxing that you can be taking it at least all night, carefully reading the tasks (there’s no timer). Actually, this quiz is more like a compilation of exercises, not a test. Besides, it has questions on all basic C# topics, which allows not only to test your knowledge, but also helps beginners learn something new (the quiz has answers). And yes, in this quiz you write code yourself.

N5. Traditional C# quiz — C# Online Quiz (

I’d like to end with the regular quiz. This quiz is so normal, that it has 20 questions, 20 minutes, at the end of it you can marvel at your scores and see the correct answers with the explanations. Yes, it’s nothing fancy, but don’t grumble, these kinds of quizzes do come in handy too.

Anyway, I hope that you finally found a programming quiz to your liking. Now you certainly can level up not only your hard skills, but also your self-esteem by boasting about your score (I know, you got the best). If I missed any cool interesting quiz on C++/C# (or maybe you can share quizzes on other programming languages) drop a comment below! :) Which quiz did you take and what was your result?



Pauline Al

Young and furious novice programmer. Learning to code, writing articles. Actually, I’m just a small kitten playing with a computer mouse :)