3 min readFeb 9, 2016

Martin The Greedy Scumbag Shkreli!

“I don’t know what this Martin Shkreli thing is, but it should be sterilized and disallowed to breed ”

“WHAT A MORON! Sound like a DRUG ADDICT instead of CEO ”

“Cant wait til someone makes him their bitch in prison”

“I still cant get over that ugly Michael Jackson nose ”

“I wanna kill him. He’s annoying ”

These are some of the appreciations Mr Shkreli got from the public for raising the price of an AIDS drug, Darapin, he recently bought rights to sell. And how much did he raise? From a measly $13.50 to a meager $750. No, not $7.50 but $750.

Now, I can hear you chiming in along with those esteemed gentlemen who praised Mr Shkreli and shouting, “This scumbag is the epitome of American greed!”

But, wait. Just you wait. Cool your boots a.k.a calm your titties. Because Jebus is going to break it down for you real quick. What you see is just an illusion; it’s always an illusion. There is another side to the coin, and the other side is truer than the side you see. Now, let’s break the nut.

Doxycycline hyclate (100 milligrams), a widely used antibiotic, soared from $20 for 500 capsules in October 2013 to a staggering $1,849 in April 2014.

Glycopyrrolate (20 milliliters), used during surgery to prevent slowing of the heart rate, climbed from $65 for 10 vials to $1,277 during the same period.

Pravastatin sodium (10 mg), the cholesterol medication that Carol Ann Riha takes, surged from $27 to $196 for a one-year supply.

You’ve heard none of these stories, have you? Drug industry is a $500 Bn one. Exorbitant, greedy price hikes by drug companies are the norm, not the exception. But then, why haven’t you heard of any of these before? Why was Shkreli isolated and villainized? Because Shkreli was in fact going after insurance companies and big corporations as opposed to common public as you’re led to believe.

Did you know that Shkreli’s company, Turing, dedicates 60% of its income for R&D? Did you know that his company has given a number of medicines for free for the public? Did you know that the drug Darapin can be bought for free if you contact Shkreli directly or through online? Did you know that Darapin was founded more than 50 years ago and is not really a greatly effective drug and hasn’t been researched thoroughly since its discovery?

No, of course you didn’t know any of these. But you still want to ride your high horse, don’t you? Nah, nah, that ain’t happening here.

Martin “The Greedy Scumbag” Shkreli is actually targeting government and the big companies to pay big price so that he can enhance the drug and sell it for the benefit of the common man. This is why those big corporations and Congress are ganging up against him and making him the evil dude. It is the system that is corrupt, and Shkreli is merely exposing its ridiculous greed. Do you think a man who can go from rags to riches can’t hide his face from public while committing atrocities? You airheads should know that Martin wants the public to know it all so that he can expose the drug industry and its shills!

Fun Fact: Shkreli’s parents are janitors and he rose to fame from the bottom all by himself, using his genius.