Digital Marketing
4 min readOct 1, 2022

Polkastation Prediction is a decentralized and easy-to-play prediction market. It is time for you to unleash

your analytical skills. The users can predict the price of an asset will go up or down when the live phase

starts. The winners will be decided after a certain duration of the live phase.

Polkastation combines various DeFi protocols, NFT minting, and marketplace with the Polkadot framework as its base. Though early blockchains serve the purpose of deploying decentralized applications, there are limitations like lack of run-time specialization and limited throughput. Polkastation wants to deliver a cutting-edge project in the blockchain space and thus chooses Polkadot, bridging multiple specialized chains into one sharded network. Polkadot offers the best returns in the market through various products. As these decentralized applications are deployed on Polkastation’s own blockchains, they have enhanced stability.

The Polkastation AMM engine eliminates the need for intermediaries

to carry out trades with the help of farms. The liquidity providers add

LP tokens to the investment pools and get rewarded through yield

farming. To enhance the liquidity and make an asset a lucrative trade,

Polkastation holds the investors' funds. The period when a liquidity

provider waits for the asset’s price to go up is yield farming.

Yield Farming supports the operation of the Polkastation ecosystem

and lets everyone in the market benefit from increased liquidity. It

impacts an asset’s price stability by keeping it safer. More liquidity

providers provide lesser risks of loss, and most ventures are oftenIn Centralized cryptocurrency exchanges, the funds are handled by governing

authorities during the transaction. While the primary motto of cryptocurrencies

is to offer 100% decentralization to people, why do we have to depend on a

governing party for transferring assets? Polkastation launched its own

decentralized exchange for tokens of various standards on the Polkadot

network, allowing the users to trade and make profits. Unlike conventional CEX,

which uses an order book for executing trades, Polkastation exchange uses an

Automate Market Maker (AMM) model where the trades are carried out against

liquidity pools. The users can add liquidity to the pools for smooth functioning

of the AMM engine and, in return, receive LP tokens that can be redeemed for

rewards. The Polkastation DEX is user-friendly and is so easy to get started.

Until the GameFi came into the picture, the utility of NFTs as

a medium of exchange, rewards, and payments in

metaverse-based systems was considered mere

speculations and theories. Polkastation harnesses the power

of blockchain technology and NFTs to deliver Walk-To-Earn

(M2E) games that offer real-life monetary benefits to

gamers. The traditional games allowed the

developers/owners to cash in while the players only had to

engage in gaming. Polkastation’s M2E is really about the

ownership shift towards the gamers. The gamers, in addition

to enjoying a realistic gaming experience, can get hold of

monetary benefits as well. Polkastation allows the gamers to

monetize real-life events like walking or going to the officePolkastation’s start pool is the easiest way of earning Polkstation

tokens for free. You stake a certain amount of Polkastation tokens in

the pools and earn more tokens without doing anything. Polkastation

start pool helps projects in the crypto space to distribute their tokens

to a wide range of audiences while allowing the token holders to earn

passive income, creating a win-win situation for both projects and

token holders.

The earnings are distributed to the token holders at a regular interval

and are automated through smart contracts without any human

intervention. The users can start staking their coins to the startpools

soon after they connect their wallet to the Polkastation platform. There

are no hidden fees on the rewards earned, but the users have to pay a

fee of 2% if they unstake their tokens within 72 hours from the time of

staking. Making free tokens is that easy!

NFTs are the talk of the hour in the blockchain space. The NFTs have a

wide variety of use cases, from tokenization of real-life assets to

royalty/monetization for content creators and artists worldwide. NFTs

need a special mention for their role in revolutionizing the gaming

industry. Polkastation ensures to be in the current trend with the

launch of its NFT marketplace that allows the artists to create (mint)

their NFTs and sell them.

One must need an artist account to create and sell NFTs in the

Polkastation NFT marketplace. You can mint your own artworks, be it

music, video, or photos, and upload them for sales. You can view your

minted NFTs in the 'My NFT Artworks' section on your dashboard.

When a buyer makes an auction to buy your NFTs, the order will be

stacked in the order book, and it will be executed. Polkastation also.

More details on the website:

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