Digital Marketing
4 min readMay 26, 2022


What is Fuji?
Clearly and simple, Fuji is a full-fledged investment platform with its infrastructure and economic environment.


Fuji is a place where investors and start-uppers can meet and make life-changing decisions. To make this interaction easier, we have a unique internal coin FJT. You can make all the investments using Fuji cryptocurrency and also get profit from the organic growth of the coin.

Startup accelerator

We aim to help startups raise maximum funds from a wide range of investors from any corner of the globe. If your idea is interesting and relevant, you will receive funding and find the missing teammates easily with us.

Business community

On our platform you can find talents for your project team and exchange experience with like-minded people all over the world. On the Fuji blog, you can share your ideas, express your point of view, develop your skills and accumulate your knowledge.

Join Fuji! We are waiting for your ideas to be put into reality.

The Fuji team was and will be out of politics.

Why is Fuji useful for founders?
With our help you will not think about how to raise money. So you can focus on the key task — how to build a profitable and useful business?
The Fuji platform is interested in raising funding for your project as quickly as possible and providing you with reliable partners. After all, our monetization begins only after your fundraising is successfully completed. Later we will tell you about the ways we can attract capital for you.
If you have a startup idea, be sure to join Fuji. We will accelerate the development of your business, so that you can quickly realize the concept of your dream and monetize your work!

We are not going to restrict users' access to the platform based on territorial affiliation, as well as political, religious and other views. We believe that the world of investments and cryptocurrencies should be above this level.

In the near future, we are launching many new services, connecting new blockchain networks. In addition, to invest in real sector startups, ICO, IDO, IEO, you will be able to store any cryptocurrency with us, as well as make spot transactions. We are working on it. You can already store USDT, TRX, FJT on our platform and make profitable investments.

Stay with us, be open to investments!

"We will launch listings soon" Fuji 2.0

FJT has come close to listing on exchanges. To date, one of the main profitable instruments for our investors — the growth in the value of FJT — has been practically implemented. The platform is already working and waiting for investors in projects based on USDT and FJT.
We have a number of listings planned for the second quarter of 2022. In this regard, we are facing new horizons now. We are launching 3 profit pools, each of which is a profitable tool for investors.

First pool. The investor delegates his FJT tokens to the ICO pool. Fujicom IT Solution, as a management company, collects a portfolio of ICO projects and puts the collected funds in selected projects. FJTs are delegated for different terms: 3-6-12 months. The ICO pool is the most profitable and high-risk, so it is perfect for a classic ICO investor.
Second pool. The investor delegates his FJT to the IDO pool. Fujicom IT Solution, as a management company, distributes the funds raised to the upcoming IDOs through partner exchanges. Due to the reliable partnerships and large amounts of investments, Fuji receives a priority allocation at the entering on affiliate exchanges. It allows you to get high income with limited risks. FJTs are delegated for 3-6-12 months. The total income depends on the term of delegation.
Third pool. The investor delegates his FJTs to the staking pool to keep the Fuji network running and protected at the company’s upcoming listings. The pool operates on the basis of the DPos smart-contract. Third pool allows coin holders to receive a guaranteed return of 1% to 10% by locking their assets for 3-6-12 months. The holders will also become part of the Fuji ecosystem and contribute to a large-scale listing and promotion program. The total income depends on the term of delegation.

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