Paveway IV
2 min readSep 25, 2016


Tom — SARC is a legitimate target of Syria government forces? Really?

This convoy was loaded by SARC and the UN in a long-standing, well-known Syrian Arab Red Crescent facility in government territory in Aleppo. The Syrian government had absolutely no doubts that the convoy only carried the intended aid because they watched it being loaded. The Syrian government approved the effort to supply civilians of Umr Al Kubra even though it knows it’s Mujahideen Army controlled territory. The convoy had to drive miles through government-held areas under the eyes and approval of Syrian government forces before it reached rebel side and proceeded on to Umr Al Kubra. The Russians were monitoring the route with a drone (recon- they don’t have large armed drones) to make sure nothing was diverted and no ‘mystery aid trucks’ joined the convoy. They tracked it all the way to the destination warehouse, which was just outside the town and watched the beginning of the unloading. There was never any reason to doubt the aid mission’s purpose or activity by the Syrian government or Russians based on their direct observation from start to finish. The Russians were already told where it was going and where the Umr Al Kubra warehouse was even if they were not tracking the convoy the entire way.

Given all that, do you still maintain that the SARC convoy was somehow a legitimate target for the Syrian government forces? That they intentionally watched it being loaded in government-controlled territory, let it travel through that territory and on to Umr Al Kubra and then a couple hours later decided they should blast it to bits even though it was no threat and no rebels were anywhere near the warehouses? This might have happened — I don’t know. I’m just curious for anyone to explain such an irrational act.

If the Syrian government didn’t want the aid going to Umr Al Kubra, they could have simply told SARC to forget it — no convoy. SARC would have no choice but to abandon the effort. SARC also provides aid in government-held areas of Aleppo with those same trucks and volunteers. Kind of insane to blow away your aid trucks the first chance you get just to spite the rebels, isn’t it?

SARC is not a ‘legitimate target’ to the Syrians or government forces — they depend on SARC for aid, too. The convoy was loaded from a SARC facility that also serves government-held areas. There isn’t anyone else besides the Red Cross/Red Crescent and UN there for everybody — rebels and loyalists. It does not take sides either way.

If the Syrian government decided that SARC was a legitimate target, then all they would have to do is drive down the street to their neighborhood facility and start tossing grenades in the windows.

