Manual for installation masternode AZART

Startup Guide

4 min readApr 4, 2019

Preparation before launching masternode Azart

  1. You need to have 10,000 AZART coins on your local wallet, which will be used as a deposit when installing masternode.
  2. You must have a dedicated remote server or VPS, which has a 24-hour Internet connection and a static IP. It is best to use VPS with Linux Ubuntu 16.4.
  3. Install, run and synchronize your Azart Core wallet on your local computer. How to do this, we wrote here.
  4. Install Putty for Windows (required to connect to a VPS).

AZART masternode Startup Guide

Run Putty on the local computer. Enter the IP-address of your server. Using login (root) and password, connect to the VPS. After successfully connecting to a remote computer, copy the following command:


Right-click to insert the command into the Putty window, then press Enter. After preparing the file run the command:

chmod -R 755

then install the Azart wallet using the command:


Excellent! A few minutes after the installation is complete, you will see a message about the successful installation and your masternode private key:

Your masternode private key

Do not share it. Copy it and save to notepad. This key we need for the next step.

Next, you must complete a transaction of 10,000 AZART on your local wallet. For this you need:

  1. Open your Azart Core wallet on your local computer;
  2. Go to the “File” tab and select “Receiving addresses”. Click the “New” button and write a label for your new address (for example, “mnode1”):
Receiving addresses

3. Right-click on the created address and copy it.

4. Click on the “Send” tab and paste the address you just created and copied. You will see that in the “Label” field the name of the address that you specified earlier appears.

5. Enter the value “10,000” in the “Amount” field. The mark “Subtract fee from amount” is not to be selected!

6. Click on the “Send” button. Check the details and confirm the action:

Confirm transaction

On the “Transactions” will be “Payment to yourself”:

This transaction must be confirmed by the network, so you will have to wait for its confirmation (this can take about five minutes depending on the network status and the selected commission).

7. Enable the advanced options of the Azart Core wallet on the local computer. Open the Azart Core wallet and click the “Settings” tab → “Options” → “Wallet”. Options that you should choose:

Enable the advanced options

Click OK. To apply the new parameters, you must restart the Azart Core Wallet.

8. To find out the index and transaction ID of 10000 AZART, select “Tools” → “Debug Console” and use the command:

masternode outputs

Save the transaction id and transaction index in notepad. This will be needed in the future:

47e24a21bab6c7c99eb7b0e33925566533240a42d8a2b97be5a542e07ad6 1

Now we need to configure masternode on the local purse. This can be done directly from the wallet (“Tools” → “Open Masternode Configuration File”).

Further in one line we insert the following data separated by a space:

  1. Any name of your masternode (eg, MNODE1);
  2. The IP-address of the server where masternode is installed and the port 9779, that service the wallet (for example,;
  3. Masternode private key, which we received from the VPS;
  4. Transaction number (a transaction id), received by us earlier;
  5. Transaction index (one digit) received by us earlier.

Save the configuration file. Restart the wallet Azart Core.

Masternode operation check

Open a local wallet and go to the “Masternodes” tab. At the bottom select the command “Start all”. Your current Masternode status will change from “WATCHDOG_EXPIRED” to “PRE-ENABLED” when successfully launched.

In an hour, the status will change to “ENABLED”:

Congratulations! Your masternode Azart successfully configured!

After 48 hours you can get the first reward:

Mined reward Azart Core

Note. If for some reason you need to restart the wallet installed on the VPS, use the command:

/opt/azart-core/azartd -daemon




AZART — cryptocurrency for the gambling industry!