Ink Protocol Roadmap 2.0 and Community Update: Half a Million XNK Listings!

A new, more detailed roadmap and updates on our newest partnerships, developer community, and progress on Listia!

Ink Protocol
The Ink Protocol Blog
5 min readApr 10, 2018


Hi everyone, it has been an extremely busy few weeks as we continue working on partnerships, developer support, our own apps, and polishing up the integration on Listia! Most importantly, we are unveiling our brand new Ink Protocol Roadmap 2.0 — we added a lot more detail and mapped out a path toward our ultimate goal of becoming the most trusted way to buy and sell on any platform, while earning public reputation for every transaction.

Photo by Milada Vigerova

Roadmap 2.0

Our full roadmap and history are available on the Ink Protocol web site, and here are all the latest updates. The roadmap will always be a work in progress, and we will keep it up to date as much as possible! Remember that Ink Protocol itself is already completely finished and available for anyone to use, so this roadmap only pertains to things we are actively looking to work on. Anyone can build additional or even competing apps, which we fully support :)

Q2 2018

  • Launch Ink Pay App and Ink Pay partnerships
  • Launch Ink Protocol transaction explorer/browser (like “Etherscan for Ink”)
  • Marketplace partnerships
  • Consumer app partnerships
  • Shipping and logistics partnerships
  • Launch first live integration with consumer app partners
  • Create a developer community around the Ink Developer Portal and Gitter

Q3 2018

  • Launch Ink Protocol public API for easier partnership integration
  • Launch first reputation score aggregator
  • Launch feedback and reputation importer for existing marketplaces
  • Launch reputation and payment widget for 3rd party web sites and apps
  • Start work on fiat payments integration
  • More marketplace, consumer app, and other partnerships

Q4 2018

  • Start work on marketplace plugins for forums and message boards
  • Start work on marketplace plugins for online stores
  • Start work on accepting additional cryptocurrency payments
  • Launch additional live integrations with consumer and marketplace partners
  • More marketplace, consumer app, and other partnerships
  • Integrate local marketplaces and other marketplace verticals into Ink Pay
  • International growth for Listia and Ink Pay


  • Launch fiat to fiat marketplace payments through Ink Protocol
  • Launch additional cryptocurrency payments through Ink Protocol
  • Integrate Ink Protocol into forums, message board, classifieds, and online stores
  • Integrate Ink Protocol into top-tier marketplaces and consumer apps
  • More marketplace, consumer app, and other partnerships

Goals for 2020 and beyond

  • Ink Protocol will be THE STANDARD way to buy and sell on any platform, while earning public reputation for every transaction.
  • Sellers will earn Ink reputation everywhere they sell and use it for instant credibility on all marketplaces and for all p2p transactions.
  • Buyers will demand that sellers have Ink reputation, which they can look up via dozens of apps and websites quickly and easily.
  • There will be hundreds of distributed mediators and mediation services available to choose from when dealing with a peer-to-peer transaction.
  • Buyers and sellers will feel safe and secure when transacting online with strangers, both within and outside of any established marketplaces.
  • Hundreds of decentralized marketplaces and partnerships built on top of Ink Protocol will thrive and become the standard way for people to transact with each other online and in-person.

Partnerships and Community

Our team has been focused on partnerships and community building. There are many deals in the works and others that have been signed but not announced yet. Here are some of our recent announcements since the last community update:

The Ink Pay App

We originally wanted to release this app in Q1, but have decided to delay it just a bit to make sure the first version is AWESOME and not just a barebones app that we could put together quickly to meet the original deadline. Almost the entire product and dev teams are working VERY hard on this. Here’s a sneak peak from today’s product meeting :)

Half a Million XNK Listings and Growing!

XNK listings are going strong and growing daily on Listia! Over 18,000 listings are posted each day now and we have seen 500k listings since launch. Listia is only a small piece of the overall Ink Protocol puzzle, but it’s an important one and we are working hard to ensure it is successful both on and off Listia.

Thanks to our entire community and all our users and supporters for all the love, advice, and encouragement! We are continuing to build out tools and apps to make Ink Protocol easier to use, and remember, it’s already LIVE so you can start buying and selling on Listia right now, or head on over to our developer portal and build apps of your own!



Ink Protocol
The Ink Protocol Blog

Trusted peer-to-peer transactions on any platform. Securely buy & sell anywhere with decentralized reputation and escrow. —