All you wanted to know but were afraid to ask: interview with CEO Paymon 2.0

As far as we can’t put a gift under your Christmas tree, we will try to surprise you in other way: today CEO of Paymon Semyon Gleim answers popular questions of the community.

4 min readDec 30, 2018
  • When can the project be considered completed?

As we said earlier, the Paymon project consists of several blocks, which are based on its own blockchain alternative — Hive:

1. The messenger and its internal services (the messenger has already been developed and on two operating systems it can already be actively used);
2. Profit — development is close to the first control point, the completion of which is scheduled for the end of January;
3. Hive itself. At the moment, Hive is implemented and the only thing left is smart contracts. The public version will be launched in January/February.

  • How many companies/entrepreneurs have already joined Profit platfom?

In fact, we expected more. At the moment, we are engaged in dialogue with 10 companies, but they are all from different regions and not all fit the format of our store. I also would like to note that we are working only in the “white” sector and do not accept or consider applications from people from the darknet. We also plan to conclude a partnership agreement with major market participants, where we will act as a second party and will be the main distributors.

  • What are your goals for 2019?

Increase capitalization. Enter the top 200. Conclude several partnerships and access to monetization and payback.

  • When will GitHub update?

Depends what you want to see there. The global update is scheduled for the end of January.

  • Why Paymon is called that way?

Soon there will be a book about the blockchain, where the Paymon company and I personally are the main characters — it will explain our name in detail :)

  • Will everything be ready in the first quarter of 2019 as promised?

The main part yes. Improvements will be carried out constantly, as well as the whole product will evolve the whole time of Paymon project existing.

  • What are your expectations for the implementation of the platform for the first year?

I am optimistic about our future, but in fact, a lot depends on how the market behaves. During the bull market everything was much easier — but when the market falls, few people are ready to enter into partnerships or generally develop. Therefore, we make plans and hope for the best.

  • When do you plan to go for Binance?

It has been planned for a long time, but it will be possible when we have an additional million of dollars.

  • How do you assess your position in comparison with competitors? Do you consider someone your competitors and follow them?

In fact, Paymon is very versatile, so if we take a messenger, it is certainly “Status”. Here I can only say that for me this project is not a competitor due to the fact that not to create more or less working product having hundreds of millions of dollars… would seem strange. And now they declare that they on the verge of bankruptcy.

If you look for the competitors of Profit, it is a Storiqa project, the situation is similar to the Status: the budget is large, the result is very controversial.
Only time will tell who is the best. We follow them, and I think our chances quite high.

  • Previously, you announced the goal: to enter the top 5 crypto-currencies by capitalization. At the moment, this requires capitalization of several billion dollars, in a couple of years — tens of billions. Is the goal real, given the delays with Hive?

The goal is real, but it is a matter of time and market dynamics, and we are doing our best.

  • More specific terms on the cards and can your card become an analogue of the Ledger?

We cannot set a time frame because we are mediators here and our hands are partly tied.
Answering the second question — I very much hope so.

  • When will the translation into Korean and active marketing take place?

Soon we will turn to our friend and partner Daniel — I hope he will help us with the translation and we will do it. The question about marketing is very difficult. I hope each of you understands that marketing requires money: in the current market situation this will require huge funds. We will come to this, but it will be at the time of monetization and active development.

Thank you for your questions and for staying with us. For our part, we will try to make sure that it is not in vain.

Happy New Year!

CEO Paymon,
Simon Gleim.




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