Market is falling? Doesn’t matter for Paymon

The cryptocurrency market has been having hard times lately. That’s why we decided to clear some things up.

2 min readDec 3, 2018

The fact that cryptocurrency rates are falling down upsets many people, because most of them are investors. For some the fall of cryptocurrency would mean the fall of the dream of a better world, where you don’t need banks or any other intermediaries to close the deal or transact money. Here we’d like to comfort you by saying that it’s not the first time crypto sphere is having difficulties, and the price of Bitcoin, as well as all the altcoins, will most probably rise sometime after the decline. Volatility is a normal and integral attribute of the market.

However, whatever happens to the market — it will not affect us. Why? First of all, because we use Proof of Stake consensus algorithm: it means, that even if the price of the coin lowers, validators will not massively leave their places like it happened to Bitcoin.

Secondly, we consider our token and future coin as a method of payment rather than a value asset (which is exactly what Bitcoin is now). It means, that in fact it doesn’t matter how much the coin costs — it will affect only the number of coins you have to pay for a certain service or good. According to our plan, Profit platform should become a convenient, actively used market place, where people can buy with their crypto assets in real life.

That is why we stay calm despite the so-called bear market. Using cryptocurrency for its intended purpose with the element of innovation is what can keep it from crushing and help it root in the real life. We continue working hard on Paymon project and we believe that after every storm there is a rainbow.

Stay strong and optimistic — that’s our rule which helps to get through the day, and we advise you to do the same.

See you very soon!
Paymon team.




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