2 min readJul 10, 2018


Hello everybody, it is Tuesday and it’s time for the weekly news!

[Always reading the entire article? Good for you, cause we have some “dessert” for you at the end!]

We decided to rewrite our app to make it much better, and here’s what we have done for the last week:

- Rewritten and optimized most of the functions associated with sending and downloading messages, uploading users’ photos and stickers;

- Rewritten old and new functions, associated with restoring the user account, so now it should be more convenient;

- Added an animation to the app loading (during connection to the server);

- Added functionality and fragments associated with the settings of the application;

- Made fragments of invitations to app by phone (from phone contacts and adding to friends);

- Made the functional of choosing the app color scheme;

- Optimized backend server speed;

- Fixed bugs when receiving a list of messages and deleting an interlocutor;

- Remember that bug, when you registered on the site, but the authorization was not working in the app? We fixed it as well!

For Android:

- Updated and optimized view settings;

- Optimized the layout of Android and added a new view to create a new navigation system;

- Created a new navigation menu;

For iOS:

- Project restructuring, deleting the old Bitcoin library and adding a new one.

The renewed, better version of the app should be available for everyone in the end of this summer, the closed test will probably take place in a month.

However, as we promised, there is more to come…

The main course, for sure, is the launching of Hive today, on 10 of July!

What is Hive?

Our cryptocurrency will be based on Directed Acyclic Graph, which we call “Hive”. This technology will let you make transactions without any fees or major delays in confirmation.

What are advantages of Hive?

· Miner = user of the network;

· Fast transactions regardless of the network load;

· No commissions;

· 1–2 transactions = separate block;

What is possible with Hive:

· Token sale

· Creating a business and receiving instant payments for your goods without any commissions

· Integrating Hive through API for different purposes

We hope that all of you reading this will take part in testing of Hive today! Make your contribution to the development of leading technologies!

Join our testers’ chat:




Great changes are coming, and you are a part of it 😉 Download Paymon!