(Yes, finally)

2 min readOct 3, 2018

Well, here we are, back after a week of silence. We hope that you still remember us: very soon (today!) we release the beta-version of Paymon Web!

As you could guess, this is exactly why we have been so busy lately: we really hope that you will appreciate the platform! We’ve put a lot of effort in it.

On this occasion, this weekly report will be dedicated to Web, but let’s give a tribute to tradition and add a little bit about Android.

The news is served. Bon appétit!


For the past week (and a little bit on this one), we’ve been finalizing the Web version of the app. Here is what the last tasks looked like:

  • ETH connection;
  • Viewing a of transactions list, ETH sending, creating of a wallet, restoring and downloading of a wallet;
  • Normalization of a profile editing;
  • PMNT connection;
  • Implementation of tokens sending;
  • Wallet backup implementation for the users.

You will be able to evaluate the final beta-version yourself today! Meanwhile, let’s recall what you can do in Paymon Web:

- Use a convenient and secure messenger: all messages are encrypted, and you can easily communicate with your friends, create chats and groups.

- With the help of the Money service, you will be able to create your own wallets, restore existing ones, save the wallet to your digital media and send funds to other wallets. You will also have access to a list of your transactions. Since we do not use hot wallets and do not have access to your private keys, you can be sure your funds are secure. In addition, you can monitor the exchange rate without leaving the platform!

- Use the Profit platform — although, in the near future only, as we are still working on it. Nevertheless, soon with the help of Profit you will be able to use your cryptoassets in life, paying for goods in stores that cooperate with us. By the way, if you own a store — you are also welcome in Profit!

— And of course, relax and have fun: we will add different games to Paymon Web, so we are waiting for your suggestions! You can write them directly in the “Games” section of the platform.


A piece of Android, as promised. For the passed week, we have:

  • Made downloading of a range of messages from the last message ID possible: now you can send the ID of the last message in the chat and get a list of messages that go after it;
  • Implemented the layout of the new design (of chat, groups creating and contacts) in the app;
  • Fixed chats and notifications.

That’s all for today. Next week we are telling you how things are going on with iOS.

See you at Paymon Web!
Paymon Team.




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