Poetry Purge: Painting Cupid A Lucid Dream

Pazqal Eriq
3 min readOct 14, 2022


I tell my friends about the roses and their minds wonder but like everything I want you to promise me, every petal fades away regardless of how much I water.

Love is not the earth quaking under your feet, with uncertainty lingering in the corner with a grin, hoping that you might trip.

Every word off the tip of my tongue is an ode to you. I am covering you in all these praises forgetting my own existence somewhere between these lines.

You will become a gun in the hands of love, while all he does is remind you of the rules of Russian roulette.

They don’t hold you as you hold them, you say they do but you can’t help but pay attention to how it is never enough.

Love will not leave you bare-skinned, raging on a bedroom floor, Begging for amnesia at 2 am on a Tuesday morning just after work.

On a good day, I am not forgotten in the dark, sitting quietly in expectancy, cast away at the far ends of their minds, but I am waiting, watching screens that shouldn’t only brighten from my taps.

Love doesn’t just take, and take, and take from you, only to refer to your emptiness as beautiful, pretending to hold all your being, while refusing the weight of your soul.

When does the hurt become too much hurt but just enough to raise, like dust, the knowledge that the door still works?

© Pazqal Eriq Umehea

Airport Road, Abuja.

This is a form of poetry I came up with. I take random lines from various poems I had previously written, most likely the line that brought about the entire body of the previous work, and elaborate on the thought around that sentence and/or expand on the sentence form of that line to give more of a vague story behind it. I know that was a rollercoaster. Hopefully, I learn to explain better. I’m still in the process of coming up with a title for this genre. However, I will write more of it and enjoy sharing more with you.

On second thought, that might be the only kind of poetry published on this account. We may never know. Anyway, we are almost halfway through October. So, here are a few pointers:

  1. Do not doubt your gut feeling, it knows. My Co-star app said this and it’s been a hell of a ride but we a living it, I guess.
  2. Drink water and eat a salad or two. I recently had a lettuce-wrapped chicken so do not come for me.
  3. Clean up. I know ADHD and procrastination won’t let us be great but please pick up that dirty laundry that has been on your bedroom floor since the last Monday of September.
  4. Detox yourself of things, places and people that do not or can never serve you or any path of life you may take.

-With Love, Pazqal Eriq.

