How to Absolutely Overcome the Deadly Procrastination Habit

Pamela Montgomery
2 min readMay 29, 2017


How to Absolutely Overcome the Deadly Procrastination Habit

How to Absolutely Overcome the Deadly Procrastination Habit

How to Absolutely Overcome the Deadly Procrastination Habit

Imagine learning how to absolutely overcome the deadly procrastination habit! What if you learned several time-proven strategies to help you conquer and defeat one habit that keeps you from realizing your dreams?

If you are like me, you may have developed the deadly habit of procrastination. Do you keep putting off writing that novel? Have you finished the training course you wanted to launch? Perhaps it is perfectionism that is holding you back from finishing a project or even getting started.

This episode of My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series tackles the issue of procrastination. We discuss 7 strategies that you can implement right now that will chase away the deadly habit of procrastination. Don’t put off listening!

Our Background and Experience

Dexter and I just love to serve new entrepreneurs looking to leave their 9–5 jobs to create a lifestyle of working from home doing what they love. One of the first issues we address with all new entrepreneurs is developing a mindset for success.

Procrastination may be keeping you from developing a mindset of success. Procrastination may be holding you back. There are hundreds of books, blogs, and articles on time management and procrastination. In this post, as a supplement to the podcast, I have included a link to a short report that provides you with 21 strategies that you can use to learn how to absolutely overcome the deadly procrastination habit. Click here: How to Absolutely Overcome the Deadly Procrastination Habit Handout

What is Procrastination

Procrastination is a deadly habit that saps your energy and hinders your success. As you sit there twiddling your thumbs, life goes on without you and your wonderful ideas. You remain trapped in a brain fog that does not allow you to move forward with your goals and dreams. Slaying this deadly procrastination habit is the first step in building a successful lifestyle entrepreneurship business.

Conclusion/Call to Action

Procrastination is a deadly habit that can sabotage your success. Listen in as we share 7 strategies that you can implement today that will help you learn how to absolutely overcome the deadly procrastination habit.

(1) Tame the time Stealers

(2) Put Your Mobile Away!

(3) Go Outdoors

(4) Ask Yourself what is Really Going On!

(5) Break Down Your Project into Smaller Steps

(6) Make it a Game

(7) What is Your Preference?

Using these strategies will help you develop a success mindset and overcome the deadly habit of procrastination.

Originally published at My Biz Dream Team.



Pamela Montgomery

#Attorney, #Author, #Speaker #Online Marketing Strategist Helping You Achieve Uncommon Results. #justice, #leadership #ResultsOrientedStrategies