How to Make Self Responsibility the Cornerstone of Your Success

Pamela Montgomery
3 min readJun 23, 2017


How to Make Self Responsibilty the Cornerstone of Your Success

How to Make Self Responsibility the Cornerstone of Your Success

How to Make Self Responsibility the Cornerstone of Your Success

“If it is to be, it is up to me”

Acknowledging that you must make self responsibility the cornerstone of your success can be a daunting challenge. But, if you want to achieve extraordinary success in your business and in your life, you must make self responsibility the cornerstone. It was certainly difficult for me to accept the truth of this concept. I wanted to blame someone else or something else for the deal that I lost or the client I did not get. But once I understood that I controlled my own destiny, I was ready to seize the opportunities that came my way. Remember, “There are no excuses!”

Other People are not Responsible for Your Success

I realize that there may be economic setbacks such as the Great Recession of 2008. Your suppliers may go out of business. Your virtual assistant may decide to quit. Although these circumstances may impact your business and your life, you must realize that they are beyond your control. You can however control how you react to these setbacks. You alone are responsible for the success of your business. Have you planned for these eventualities? Are you taking responsibility to meet the challenges of these circumstances?

Other People Probably are in Worse Circumstances than You

No matter how bad you think you have it, others probably have it even worse. So, stop crying and start taking responsibility for your success.
Here is a simple creed that is worth repeating throughout the day. It is especially helpful when you start to feel sorry for yourself:

“If it is to be, it is up to me.”

These ten simple two-letter words remind you that self responsibility is the cornerstone of success in achieving extraordinary results in your business and in your life.

Be Committed to Your Success

Once you decide to go into business, totally commit to it. There is no holding back. Jump in with both feet! Even more important than getting into business, is getting the business into you. You can indeed love your business and your life.

Make a commitment to yourself that you are going to succeed, no matter what. Remember to go the extra mile to achieve extraordinary success in your business and in your life.

Conclusion/Call to Action

Learn how to make self responsibility the cornerstone of your success in your business and in your life, if you want to achieve extraordinary success in your business and in your life. Remember: (1) other people are not responsible for your success; (2) other people are probably in worse circumstance than you; and (3) be committed to your success. Throughout the day repeat these ten simple two-letter words to remind yourself that self-responsibility is the cornerstone for achieving extraordinary success in your business and in your life.

“If it is to be, it is up to me.”

At My Biz Dream Team, we can show you how to develop an internet lifestyle business that can help you reach your money goals. Check out The Strategic Pathway to Success Program™. Let us show you how to reach your goal of creating a lifestyle and a business that you love! Act today.

I am Pamela Montgomery, attorney, author, entrepreneur, and speaker, helping you create the life of your dreams as you achieve uncommon results in your business and in your life!

Originally published at My Biz Dream Team.



Pamela Montgomery

#Attorney, #Author, #Speaker #Online Marketing Strategist Helping You Achieve Uncommon Results. #justice, #leadership #ResultsOrientedStrategies